Japanese Sales | Resident Evil 4 High, Wii Sales Increase

By Adam Riley 08.06.2007 35

Update - The Media Create Top 50 chart has now been released and can be seen below, along with hardware numbers:

Software Sales - 28th May-3rd June, 2007 | Total Sales

1.) Practice by Observing: DS Observation Training (NDS, Nintendo) - 94,834 | NEW
2.) Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition (Wii, Capcom) - 43,771 | NEW
3.) Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2 (NDS, Nintendo) - 33,738 | 113,910 (Bouncing back up from No.27 due to a restock)
4.) Guilty Gear XX Accent Core (PS2, Arc System Works) - 31,773 | NEW
5.) Wii Sports (Wii, Nintendo) - 28,612 | 1,657,818
6.) More Brain Training (NDS, Nintendo) - 20,662 | 4,327,943
7.) New Super Mario Bros. (NDS, Nintendo) - 19,907 | 4,500,164
8.) Wii Play (Wii, Nintendo) - 19,718 | 1,356,002
9.) More English Training (NDS, Nintendo) - 18,885 | 256,091
10.) Momotarou Dentetsu DS: Tokyo & Japan (NDS, Hudson) - 16,395 | 186,924 (Back up from No.17)

11.) Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War (NDS, Square-Enix)
12.) Kurikin: Nano Island Story (NDS, Nintendo) - Stock nearly all sold out
13.) Mario Kart DS (NDS, Nintendo)
14.) Super Paper Mario (Wii, Nintendo)
15.) Yoshi's Island DS (NDS, Nintendo)
16.) English Training (NDS, Nintendo)
17.) Brain Training (NDS, Nintendo)
18.) Animal Crossing Wild World (NDS, Nintendo)
19.) Simple DS Series, Vol. 15: THE Police Investigator 2: Eight New Cases (NDS, D3 Publisher) - NEW
20.) Kanji Brain Test 2M (NDS, IE Institute)
21.) Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree (Wii, Nintendo)
22.) Prof. Layton and the Mysterious Village (NDS, Level 5)
23.) Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (NDS, Square-Enix)
24.) Bleach: Heat the Soul 4 (PSP, Sony) - Down from No.2
25.) Gyakuten Saiban 4 (NDS, Capcom)
26.) Promising This Blue Sky: Melody of the Sun and Sea (PS2, TGL) - NEW
27.) General Knowledge Training (NDS, Nintendo)
28.) Kekkaishi: Tale of the Raven Forest (NDS, Bandai-Namco) - Down from No.1 due to low stock
29.) Shining Wind (PS2, Sega) - Down from No.12
30.) Daito Giken Official Pachislo Simulator DS: Ledendary Treasure; Osu! Banchou; Yoshimune (NDS, Paon) - Re-entry

31.) Monster Hunter Portable 2nd (PSP, Capcom)
32.) Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis (NDS, Nintendo)
33.) Metal Slug Anthology (PS2, SNK Playmore) - NEW
34.) Pok

Box art for Resident Evil 4 (2005)








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  10/10

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When this game hits other places, I expect no less anywhere else as well

Resident Evil 4 all the way Smilie

ooo Resi4 2nd place Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

There is absolutely no sign of Nintendo slowing down in Japan.

It's good that Resi4 has done so well.

I really can't believe that RE4 has been released four times now. But it's great that the game is still doing well.
Way to go Nintendo! And Capcom!

Should Guilty Gear XX by XX Acent Core?

Its good to see the game still maintain some well deserved success. Smilie

WOW Smilie R4 is climbing up the ranks! Way to go Capcom and Nintendo! Smilie

Udkedae Everywhere! | PSN: Udkedae

I'm actually rather surprised. Though I shouldn't be really, if the Japanese can buy 12 DS lites each then they can buy four different versions of RE4. Smilie

( Edited on 07.06.2007 02:04 by Jacob4000 )

Almost total domination...

For reference, RE: Deadly Silence on DS only sold about 20,000 in its first week...

Anyway, the Top 30 MC chart is out now, so I'll post that all up when I get chance at work later Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Does this version have major additions over the Gamecube version? (I assume that the controls have changed but has much else been added?). If not then why don't people just get the Cube version preowned for 1/3 of the price?

Good point Smells like cheese. Now if only some gaming sites had covered the differences/whats new with the Wii version....

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wow FFXII slipped all the way down to number 23... damn... maybe shortages? i was the best selling for the last 2 or 3 weeks wasn't it?

Smells like cheese said:
Does this version have major additions over the Gamecube version? (I assume that the controls have changed but has much else been added?). If not then why dont people just get the Cube version preowned for 1/3 of the price?

Because there's nothing else out on the Wii, unfortunately.

It's got all the extra PS2 stuff, and some new controls. A 'definitive version', if you like. (until they remake it 6 times like RE1 that is)

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Smells like cheese said:
Does this version have major additions over the Gamecube version? (I assume that the controls have changed but has much else been added?). If not then why dont people just get the Cube version preowned for 1/3 of the price?

It's got all the bonus missions from the PS2 edition and the controls are said to be great making this the best of all versions.Smilie An easier mode has also been added. Plus the graphics have been slighlty polished. True Widescreen and progressive scan support also.

I'll eventually buy it and be rid of my GC version. Smilie

( Edited on 07.06.2007 14:12 by IfritXVII )

i feel sorry for games that enter the charts lower than games that have been out for more than 2 years Smilie

must buy...

edit2: hey thats a psp game!!! typo!

( Edited on 07.06.2007 17:04 by ZeroSimon )

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

I feel the same excitement that japanese audience feel about Resi 4, I know it's essentially the same game but i myself have never played the PS2 version and the reworking of the controls makes the game more rewarding by all accounts.

I look foward to the end of the month, the

well I can say I've already pre-ordered my copy of
Resident Wiivil 4.

There was a feature on it in on On The Spot (Gamespot) last night, game looks the slickest it ever has Smilie LS

So it is budget then?
Smilie or Smilie ?
On subject, I thought Shooter games don't do well in Japan?

Darkspine Sonic said:
So it is budget then?Smilie or Smilie ?On subject, I thought Shooter games dont do well in Japan?

Yeah it is in all regions from what i understand. The U.K RRP is

Pffft, thirty quid for RE4? No thanks.

I thought it was going to be retailed at

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Same here.

Im going to get this game for twenty five pound its cheap really plus its one of the best games out and its so old


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