Nintendo Media | Dragon Tamer DS Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.06.2007 11

Namco Bandai have released a selection of mythical screens from the upcoming Dragon Tamer DS RPG, with plenty of scaly action for roleplaying fans.

Dragon Tamer: Sound Spirit allows players to do what it says on the tin - tame dragons, using the DS mic to record sounds for various creatures. With over 100 different types, each dragon will have one of six elements: fire, water, earth, wind, darkness and light, each with unique attacks and attributes.

Sound Spirit is due for release this fall.

Be sure to stick around for future updates...

Box art for Dragon Tamer: Sound Spirit

Namco Bandai


Namco Bandai


Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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Very impressive, but that reminds me, what happened to that DS DQM: Joker game? Aren't we getting it?

( Edited on 01.06.2007 13:01 by Darkspine Sonic )


it looks like a GBA game!

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

I meant the style.

Smilie this game looks fucking awsome *sarcsm*

What's impressive about the style. The style is just run of the mill anime.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Whats wrong with liking Anime? Even if it is run-of-the-mill.

( Edited on 01.06.2007 13:10 by Darkspine Sonic )

I'm with Sonic it does look like a good concept. Admittedly the graphics are nothing new and its nothing wow worthy. But I'll still consider getting it.

Enoch Powell was right, and you know it.

GBA? You give the game too much credit Smilie I have to admit, I don't usually care about graphics and stuff... but that is really poor. Some of those screens I'd easily mistake for a gameboy color game.

Don't judge a book by its cover...or the first few pages.

the graphics look garbage Smilie atleast some of it.. tho gfx don't make games to what they are, the composition of every element makes the games Smilie *uses his wise voice

Darkspine Sonic said:
Whats wrong with liking Anime? Even if it is run-of-the-mill.( Edited on 01.06.2007 13:10 by Darkspine Sonic )

Nothing. You said it was impressive, which it factually doesn't.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

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