Nintendo Media | Resident Evil 4 Wii Gameplay Video

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.06.2007 12

A video of a Japanese gamer getting through the opening section of the much anticipated Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition has emerged on the web with Leon S. Kennedy hitting the disturbed village once more.

Thanks to NeoGAF for the tip.

Box art for Resident Evil 4 (2005)








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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (14 Votes)

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This had better be budget. I will buy it but for no more than

Meh, don't see the point. I've already had it on my GC. This looks like no significant improvement. The addition of the PS2 stuff is cool, but I'm not that bothered.

deffinetly will get this for 2 reasons, has wii controls, 2.the extra content

I'm with you on this Oni. Love the game, but I'm not going to spend my money on it again. A great package for those that didn't have a GC or missed out on the PS2 version though.

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Indeed. A second chance to own a very, very great game. Though I thought it was way too easy, it was brilliant while it lasted.

Try it on professional, then. Smilie

( Edited on 01.06.2007 11:52 by Darkspine Sonic )

I did it on that second time through I think. First time through I went on hard. Beat it on one weekend. It's an easy game, mate.

If I can get this on the cheap (like say

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Oni-Ninja said:
I did it on that second time through I think. First time through I went on hard. Beat it on one weekend. Its an easy game, mate.

Damn, wasn't for me.Smilie I salute your gaming skill.

Is it just the guy or does aiming looks so easy??

Oni-Ninja said:
I did it on that second time through I think. First time through I went on hard. Beat it on one weekend. Its an easy game, mate.
*cough* ... Err... Professional is Hard... And you only get it after completing Normal. I think you did Normal first ;3

Either way it's easy... Replayed it a while ago to see how fast I could do it and I can't believe how short it is when you already know where you're going... I probably wasn't even that fast and I did it in under 3 hours <.<

EDIT: I meant Hard mode is called Professional rather than it actually being Hard ^^;

( Edited on 01.06.2007 13:51 by Megadanxzero )

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

just read through the comments. In response to the gentlman in the back who will buy it when a drought occurs; well the forecast for the last few months has been dry with chance of savannah deserts hitting europe. The low pressure system (aka super paper mario) bypassed europe and went straight to the Americanas Taking with it any chance of rain and good games.

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