the official website has been updated with a new background theme (option '3') from none other than the Square-Nintendo joint venture Super Mario RPG! Could we see it on VC or even DS in the future? Share your thoughts on whether you would like this to happen inside..." /> News: Nintendo Speculation | Super Mario RPG on DS? Page 1 - Cubed3

Nintendo Speculation | Super Mario RPG on DS?

By Adam Riley 01.06.2007 14

Quick News - With Square Enix readying Itadaki Street DS with Dragon Quest & Super Mario for Japan on 21st June, 2007, the official website has been updated with a new background theme (option '3') from none other than the Square-Nintendo joint venture Super Mario RPG! Could we see it on VC or even DS in the future?

Share your thoughts on whether you would like this to happen below...

Box art for Itadaki Street DS

Armour Project


Square Enix





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

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Rated $score out of 10  0 (1 Votes)

European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date 21.06.2007   Australian release date TBA   

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VC AND DS please.

Super Mario RPG was apparently epic back on the SNES, though, never played it. I can see this being released on the DS, because SE and Nintendo are money whores and they wouldn't make enough of that on the VC.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Co Chief Resident John Dorian said:
Super Mario RPG was apparently epic back on the SNES, though, never played it. I can see this being released on the DS, because SE and Nintendo are money whores and they wouldnt make enough of that on the VC.

Smilie very true if i had a star!

anyway i agree with him we will probably see MArio RPG in some form (VC or DS) coz both Nintenod and SE know how much the fans want this game and they know if they would make it they will make millions

My heart just skipped a beat...Oh the memories are rushing back!!

Fingers crossed for VC. This would be a good starting point for a whole bunch of other games that never got released here. *cough*Chrono Trigger*cough*

Co Chief Resident John Dorian said:
Super Mario RPG was apparently epic back on the SNES, though, never played it. I can see this being released on the DS, because SE and Nintendo are money whores and they wouldnt make enough of that on the VC.

Wouldn't they make more money with the virtual console? I mean all the distributing, manual printing, cartridge costs, plastic casing, man power costs sort of go toward the price of retail don't they?

Edit: Well i suppose there is a bigger installed user base with the DS. But even still i cant see them releasing a SNES game on the DS, maybe the GBA but with the VC doing so well it would see a bit strange.

( Edited on 01.06.2007 14:34 by Blade2t3 )

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

Super Mario RPG wasn't that great you know, it was quite typical of an RPG. I reckon Paper Mario was better and more original.

Super Mario RPG was fantastic!, it was the reason i had a convertor before I had SF2 WW.

I think it is a certainty on the VC and doubt a conversion the DS is likely. However they may plan to work together on a sequel on DS, as some things from Mario RPG were never tied up at the end, it was always destined to have sequel. A DS incarnation would go done very well, as would a Earthbound DS version, made solely by Nintendo, that game was hilarious Smilie. LS

( Edited on 09.06.2007 06:39 by Linkyshinks )

Z said:
Super Mario RPG wasnt that great you know, it was quite typical of an RPG. I reckon Paper Mario was better and more original.

Yeah but back in the 90's when they used carts on which to put home console games, it rocked...didn't it Smilie

I never said I didn't like it, I just think it was overrated.

I downloaded it a few years ago... Thought it was pretty terrible really... Paper Mario was so much better, as was Superstar Saga. In fact Superstar Saga is literally the best RPG I've ever played, why doesn't everyone own it?

dojo said:
Yeah but back in the 90s when they used carts on which to put home console games, it rocked...didnt it Smilie
Paper Mario was on the N64... On a cartridge...


( Edited on 09.06.2007 19:39 by Megadanxzero )

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I'd get it either way... did anyone else have something odd happen when going through the equipment menus, like, the cursor would dissapear? Maybe it's just me playing on a crappy emulator. Smilie


VC would be great, never played the title and everyone says its great.

Megadanxzero said:
I downloaded it a few years ago... Thought it was pretty terrible really... Paper Mario was so much better, as was Superstar Saga. In fact Superstar Saga is literally the best RPG Ive ever played, why doesnt everyone own it?quote

I do and I have the sequel. would make a great wii game.

( Edited on 12.08.2007 14:03 by kirby840 )

If you want to trade in Diamond,Pearl,and Platinum I will trade to get a Munchlax, Charmander, Squirtle, Chikorita, Cyndaquil. If you do pm me. Also if you have Metroid prime Trilogy we can trade friend vouchers.

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