Nintendo Wii News | Metroid Prime 3 Corruption - Details and New Screens

By James Temperton 22.05.2007 39

Apologies for our laziness, but we're just going to go ahead and paste in the details straight from Nintendo for you to read through below. Or, you can ignore all the nasty words and skip straight down to the new screens below.

If you think you knew what it felt like to be the bounty hunter behind the visor, think again. Take aim at evil with Nintendo's revolutionary controller.

  • Players control Samus by moving with the Nunchuk controller and aiming with the pointer, allowing for a level of immersion unlike anything they have ever experienced. Through the eyes of Samus, players experience a quantum leap in first-person control as they wield the Wii Remote controller, the ultimate device for the first-person shooter genre.

  • Samus will employ well-known power-ups like the Grapple Beam and Morph Ball, as well as a bunch of new surprises, to help her survive her coming trials.

    Game storyline: Six months have passed since the events on the planet Aether. The Galactic Federation's network computer, Aurora Unit, is suddenly and completely corrupted with something like a virus. The Federation believes Space Pirates may be behind the problem and, beginning with Samus, starts to contact bounty hunters. As they explain the situation to the assembled hunters, the Federation is attacked by the pirates. Samus and the other hunters leap to the defense of the Federation capital, only to find that the enemy the hunters face is the presumed-dead Dark Samus. Dark Samus is armed with immense power that no one can withstand. It soon becomes obvious that the forces controlling Dark Samus and the terror of the contaminated Phazon are a dire threat that could corrupt the entire universe.

    Characters: Samus, Dark Samus, the Galactic Federation and new bounty hunters.

    How to progress through the game: The war initiated by Dark Samus and the Space Pirates rages across many planets as they attempt to corrupt each with Phazon seeds. Players use the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers to explore alien landscapes, hunt for weapons and information, and destroy the seeds. Saving the planets from corruption isn't enough, though. Eventually, players must take down Samus' mortal enemy, Dark Samus.

    Special powers/weapons/moves/features: Using the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controllers, players will be able to grasp and pull things by using actual arm movements, as well as execute amazing feats like aiming and blasting in midair or at a full run. The game also incorporates a new system involving Phazon. If you fill Samus' Phazon supply to a certain level, Samus will temporarily go into hyper mode, a state in which she can pull off incredible feats; on the flip side, if she exceeds the maximum Phazon level, she'll perish. Also, for the first time in the Metroid series, Samus' ship will be used in active game play.

    The new logo and the five new screens are at the top of the album, just click below to view them in all their glory.

  • Box art for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption





    First Person Shooter



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    Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (201 Votes)

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    Jacob4000 said:
    Yes, it looks much better at 60 FPS than 0 FPS
    So is that confirmation that the game will run at 60FPS? Smilie

    I can neither confirm nor deny if that is the official frame rate it will run at Smilie

    But I think that's the target for pretty much every Wii game (and probably every 360 and PS3 game as well).

    ( Edited on 10.09.2007 02:04 by Mongo )

    My most loved franchise on Cube will come earlier then expected! Dosen't matter if there's online support or not. Me wantin'

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    Faust said:
    knighty said:They should just take some high def ones like the Red Steel ones so we all get fooled into thinking it will actually look good.
    1. Graphics whoreSmilie2. These shots are too dark to fucking judge anything, and its rather annoying to me. Was hoping for some clear shots to see how the game was turning out graphically, but oh well, guess Ill have to wait a bit longer.And Knighty, its Metroid Prime, you KNOW youll love it eventuallySmilie

    I agree, these shots are lame and blurry and suggest nothing of the final product we will have.

    The best idea you can get is by looking at the walkthrough video on IGN, they have it in HD and you get a good impression of the graphic style.

    That video was released at the end of last year and no doubt, as with most games the game has been given it's polish and sheen in the final months of development. LS

    Graphics look meh...I seriously hope this has online. I know that game is about the single-player but come on! It'll extend the life of the game!!

    Multiplayer for Metroid is just not fun, it wasn't fun in Echoes or Hunters, the single player is what I am after.

    Metroid was always a 1 player game (besides Hunters) so i don't mind if they don't have online multiplayer. Unless they take the time to make the online multiplayer work, it would possibly be crap.

    I heard it won't have online play coz Nintendo think that the DS version's online mode took players away from the one-player game. I think it's a fair enough point in some cases but it's not a good enough one!

    the game looks good and sounds good i hope its the best one out the three


    good thing the game will probably run in 30 fps just like the old Primes then...

    Smilie i cant fucking wait for this game anymore..... arghhhhh i would sell a leg to have this!!!

    I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

    Megadanxzero said:
    These screens are absolutely shit... You can't see a thing...Yay... Black...

    I can see what's going on perfectly. Perhaps it isn't the screens that are the problem...

    Any news on this that doesn't tell us that the game has been completely messed up is good news, as it means the game is getting closer to release. And the new information has re-whetted my appetite. Now, how about a press release telling us that this game will not be more like conventional shoot-em-ups, hm?

    Screwing the rules since 1989.

    It's orgasmic.

    Looks the same as the GC games to me. I'm not seeing the Wii's "extra power", here.

    Me neither unfortunately. I kind of expected more from Retro, here's hoping those were old shots.

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