Japanese Sales | PlayStation 3 Now Below 9,000, Nintendo Steady

By Adam Riley 25.05.2007 23

The latest software sales have now been released from Media Create, showing that Nintendo's Ouendan 2 has sold seven times the original's first week total!

Software - 14th-20th May, 2007 | Total Sales

1.) Shining Wind (PS2, Sega) - 78,030 | NEW
2.) Moero! Nekketsu Rhythm Damashii: Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan 2 (NDS, Nintendo) - 70,821 | NEW
3.) Odin Sphere (PS2, Atlus) - 59,248 | NEW
4.) Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War (PSP, Square-Enix) - 39,480 | 194,371
5.) Wii Sports (Wii, Nintendo) - 27,788 | 1,601,564
6.) Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (NDS, Square-Enix) - 23,904 | 445,237
7.) More Brain Training (NDS, Nintendo) - 18,790 | 4,284,904
8.) Wii Play (Wii, Nintendo) - 18,179 | 1,317,807
9.) New Super Mario Bros. (NDS, Nintendo) - 17,862 | 4,458,786
10.) Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree (Wii, Nintendo) - 15,816 | 133,304

11.) Super Paper Mario (Wii, Nintendo)
12.) Yoshi's Island DS (NDS, Nintendo)
13.) Momotarou Dentetsu DS: Tokyo & Japan (NDS, Hudson)
14.) More English Training (NDS, Nintendo)
15.) Gyakuten Saiban 4 (NDS, Capcom)
16.) Mario Kart DS (NDS, Nintendo)
17.) Custom Beat Battle Draglade (NDS, Banpresto) - NEW
18.) Animal Crossing Wild World (NDS, Nintendo)
19.) Prof. Layton and the Mysterious Village (NDS, Level 5)
20.) Brain Training (NDS, Nintendo)
21.) Panel de Pon DS (NDS, Nintendo)
22.) Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis (NDS, Nintendo)
23.) Monster Hunter Portable 2nd (PSP, Capcom)
24.) English Training (NDS, Nintendo)
25.) Dragon Quest Monsters Joker (NDS, Square-Enix)
26.) Word Puzzle Mojipittan DS (NDS, Bandai-Namco)
27.) Kanji Brain Test 2M (NDS, IE Institute)
28.) General Knowledge Training (NDS, Nintendo)
29.) Pok

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I thought the other one sold around 70,000...

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

I want this game.

The original Ouendan didn't do well at all, so I can imagine this is doing better. Probably because of the huge DS userbase now and the fact that they've been doing some marketing with it.

Got my copy this morning - the first song isn't as catchy as the original's, but it's still good! It's had a nice graphical touch up, too.

EDIT: Excellent chart entry for it. Well-deserved - I think it may actually be better than the first, and that's a tough game to beat.

( Edited on 24.05.2007 10:59 by Mason )

I have heard that is a dissapointing sequel, in terms of the songs.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

It is at first. The songs aren't as memorable, but as you play and they sink in you realise how good they are - the tracklist is probably equal to or slightly better than the first.

PS3 going through lean times eh? Smilie

Looks like the GBA line is well and truly over.

i think the ps3 will bounce back but i dont know how lolSmilieSmilie
i hope that nintendo keeps up its steady wii sales
the x-box 360 is really crap in japan im shocked man

( Edited on 25.05.2007 19:31 by d.v.n.e )


the cube sold 4m fuck didn't no it did that well

Holy shit! The cube only sold little over 4million in it entire liifetime!

Really does show how dominant the PS2 was! Also shows how Nintendo have really changed with the success of the Wii.

Can you predict how long it will take before the Wii over takes the GC lifetime sales?

Surely about 7-8 months from now? Maybe even shorter with the holiday period?

WOW less then 9k that is crazy, i bet Ken Katarugi is sliting his wrists right about now!



( Edited on 27.05.2007 01:42 by Blade2t3 )

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

SmilieSmilieSmilie thats embarrasing... point and laugh at sony!!! LOL Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562


Anyway, I'd imagine the cost of the sytem is still holding it back. My rookie analysis of the situation is that the PS3 will rocket in sales when the price goes down to reasonable levels.

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?


The price won't drop soon. Sales will rise when new Bravias come out I would think.

The store I work at has sold more PS3's in the last 2 weeks than we did on the first 2 weeks of launch.

No Longer Temporarily Banned.

Joe obviously doesn't get what we're on about Smilie

Aimed at "Milk" more than anything... damn annoying smilies.


No Longer Temporarily Banned.

Raab said:
Aimed at Milk more than anything... damn annoying smilies. GAYSTATION 3 LOL


I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Raab said:
The store I work at has sold more PS3s in the last 2 weeks than we did on the first 2 weeks of launch.

Yeah and i suppose the store you work in also hasn't sold a single Wii Smilie.....pure Knob.

Just accept the Wii, and we all know you hate it wanking all over your beloved 360 and PS3, nobody said that made it better. Also stop making excuses as to why the PS3 sales haven't skyrocketed.

( Edited on 28.05.2007 01:27 by Co Chief Resident John Dorian )

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

I wonder how software support will follow for PS3. I can see PS3 selling more like TVs and cars than consoles because of it's focus, but if the low sales at the beginning discourages software support, this must be crippling for Sony.

It's not over yet lads. Wii's low cost makes it easier to sell at the beginning. 360 and PS3 have only just begun in Japan. Japan's support is critical for PS3 as their strength has always been the traditional console gaming, which is something US/Europe devs could not provide. I reckon the next 1 year will be critical for all 3 companies, whichever way it goes.

Co Chief Resident John Dorian said:
Raab said:The store I work at has sold more PS3s in the last 2 weeks than we did on the first 2 weeks of launch.
Yeah and i suppose the store you work in also hasnt sold a single Wii Smilie.....pure Knob.Just accept the Wii, and we all know you hate it wanking all over your beloved 360 and PS3, nobody said that made it better. Also stop making excuses as to why the PS3 sales havent skyrocketed.( Edited on 28.05.2007 01:27 by Co Chief Resident John Dorian )

You're right, we did not sell a single Wii... for some reason we can't get hold of any.

Now please take your penis out of your Wii's disc tray and go play some more movie tie ins or party games.

No Longer Temporarily Banned.

But in japan the PS3 is ONLY 200 odd pounds....1/2 price compared to UK.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

CCRJD, there was no need for that post. Raab had made no mention of the Wii and just stated something from his own personal experience.

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