Nintendo RPG News | Final Fantasy VI Advance Comes to Europe

By Phil Beveridge 17.05.2007 8

The Final Fantasy series returns to the Game Boy Advance for its final slice of RPG retro goodness, and this time it seems to be bigger, better and more thrilling than all previous handheld titles to date! With new features, improved gameplay and a better storyline than all pervious titles, it's easy to see why this Super Nintendo classic is one of the most critically acclaimed Final Fantasy adventures to date, and I'm sure many people are looking forward to the release of Final Fantasy VI Advance when it arrives here in Blighty on 29th June.

Like all Final Fantasy games, the games take place in different worlds rather than being a linear story throughout all FF games, and this is no exception. However, players will encounter compelling similarities as they meet complex new characters with whom they will embark on spellbinding adventures. The story is set in a mysterious world governed by an evil dictatorship known as the Gestahlian Empire. 'The Empire' is determined to strengthen its domination of the world by harnessing the power of the Espers (powerful magical creatures) and using them as weapons.

Endangered rival sovereigns, brave rebels and a handful of outcasts must now unite forces to stop the Empire fulfilling its ambition. The story begins with a treasure hunter called Locke and an amnesiac magician called Terra, who are forced to flee from the Empire. As the game plots its course, Locke and Tina will encounter a large cast of diverse characters, all of whom assume a crucial role in freeing the world.

Unlike Final Fantasy V Advance released earlier this year on Game Boy Advance, Final Fantasy VI Advance does not feature a job system. Instead each character has a special ability linked to his or her background that can be called upon in times of need. These powers, combined with careful selection of team mates, can turn the tide of any battle. Players can also earn experience points by winning battles, which are used to 'level up', increasing the character's statistics. In the course of their adventure, players will also uncover powerful weapons and armours to tip the balance in their favour.

No classic port is devoid of new features, and Final Fantasy VI Advance includes a new location called the Soul Shrine where gamers can fight an endless stream of monsters, an unlockable music player, and an all-new dungeon with a secret boss, Kaiser Dragon. But it's not all change: Final Fantasy VI Advance faithfully retains the essence of the Final Fantasy series with dramatic music, intricate and sweeping storylines, gripping side quests and nostalgic series references.

If you want to experience this ultimate fantasy adventure, or simply want to play a diverse and action-packed role-playing game, you won't be disappointed when Final Fantasy VI Advance launches on Game Boy Advance across Europe on 29th June 2007 for the recommended retail price of

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Sounds good! I got FFV a few weeks ago, & I really like it (I like Pok

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This is considered the best FF by some, so I'm really looking forward to seeing whether they are justified. Although the thought of more random, turn-based battles doesn't exactly fill me with glee.

Screwing the rules since 1989.

I got it imported from the USA for

Yeah, it does seem a bit of a joke how we're getting these months after the Americans, but I guess thats how the publishing industry works.

This is symply the best Final Fantasy game ever IMO.
But no remakes for me, dear Square Enix, especially when it costs as much as a brand new game which took months to be developed Smilie.

I was hoping the game would come out a little later over here, if only so I'd have more time to enjoy the US version that I've finished. Still, it is good of Nintendo to bring FFVI out sooner than I thought, this will probably be the GBA's last great if Rhythm Tengoku does not get translated. Final Fantasy VI is one of my favourite Final Fantasies, next to IV.

I shall be getting this.

Balladeer said:
Although the thought of more random, turn-based battles doesnt exactly fill me with glee.
It does for me O_O

The thought of FFX-XII having different battle modes is what puts me off them! ^^;

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