Nintendo DS Interview | Final Fantasy Tactics A2 Laid Bare

By Adam Riley 15.05.2007 3

Following yesterday's new trailer for Final Fantasy Tactics A2, details of a developer interview has now been revealed, depicting some details from the game. Considering the original GBA edition was a fantastic success, the appearance of a DS sequel was pretty much a given, but nobody could have guessed just how gorgeous it would look, as proven in the trailer from yesterday, with character designs from Ryoma Ito once more.

Set four years after the story of FFTA, this time there is a completely new yarn spun, lots of fresh missions to partake in (of which there are around 300 of them), minigames to extend play, plus impressive 3D spell effects. The Judge's Law System will remain, however it is being modified to be more user-friendly and not effect the gameplay quite as harshly and unbalanced as before (the same goes for character development, which was a bit skewed in the GBA game).

GamesRadar caught up with the game's Executive Producer Akitoshi Kawazu, Director Yuichi Murasawa, and Square Enix PR staff Charlie Sinhaseni. When asked about discrepancies between how the world of Ivalice is portrayed in different games over the years, Kawazu-san's response was rather interesting, with him stating there is a "real-world Ivalice and there's a parallel-world Ivalice. There's an imaginary Ivalice and an Ivalice that follows chronological order," and FFTA2 is part of that last group.

Expanding on the idea of more varied missions, Murasawa-san finished off by explaining that other than simple fighting missions you will also be asked to complete certain tasks whilst working through a particular stage, or even just told to travel around an area's map, without any battles at all.

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Box art for Final Fantasy Tactics A2

Square Enix


Square Enix





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"Expanding on the idea of more varied missions, Murasawa-san finished off by explaining that other than simple fighting missions you will also be asked to complete certain tasks whilst working through a particular stage, or even just told to travel around an area's map, without any battles at all."

Err I have to say most of this stuff was in the GBA version already, or something similar to it. Glad they are modifying the judge law system, some of it was real dodgey.

But I like the endless battling...Say how many missions did Tactics Advance have?? Wasn't it 300 as well??

This all sounds great...just hope they don't change things around too much.

Yup, it was 300. I never got to finish the 300 missions in FFTA, was missing a few mission items to do a couple of them, such a pain.

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