Square Enix has revealed a brand new trailer of its Nintendo DS game 'Final Fantasy Tactics A2' via the game's official website.
Stick around for further updates!
By Adam Riley 14.05.2007
Square Enix has revealed a brand new trailer of its Nintendo DS game 'Final Fantasy Tactics A2' via the game's official website.
Stick around for further updates!
(14 Votes)
Hot damn that looks good! Especially the insane 2 screen mofo with the sword thing.
*rushes to complete the GBA game quickly before this is released*
5 minutes later...
*realises this probably won't be released in the UK until spring 2008 at the earliest. Takes sweet time with FFTA*
This is looking great!
omg i should have never got rid of my DS...great now i have to buy me a anouther one >.< So buying this game
*hyperventilates* *seizure*
OMG!!! This is probably the game I want the most on my DS. This looks awesome! Thank god they didn't go all 3D and shit...I love how they just made it sharper and more colourful.
That overworld looks massive.
Can't wait for this game! Loved FFTA, I know i will love this. The trailer music brings back so many memories.