Nintendo News | Animal Crossing DS Breeds Foul Mouth Fowl

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.05.2007 10

A protective parent has run riot in a bid to stop Nintendo and their evil foul mouth critters in Animal Crossing influencing her daughter with shiny blue-coloured swears.

The latest case of gaming parenting comes from a young 11-year-old lass in Scotland who, whilst enjoying exploring her town in Animal Crossing DS, was called a "fucking cow" by one of the characters, as featured in the London Metro newspaper.

A Nintendo UK representative insisted that none of the company's family friendly titles features any offensive language, adding "It is either a pirate copy or it is user-inputted text." Most likely a used copy or an attention-seeking girl already clued up in the ancient art of le-swear.

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All my animals speak obscenities also, but then i did imput them.

Strange though as you cannot imput the F word without it turning to asterix expletives.

It must be a second hand copy, or perhaps it's a case of a bored mother looking for a story to sell. LS

You can choose what animals call you in Animal Crossing.

XD it the little girl that but that in the game u can pick nick name for all ppl i call one ass face and i do hate that fuc* cow

some one need to say sorry and own up just go to show how news story dont play the game or they find this out

Smilie so they really dont play b4 they say bad things

( Edited on 12.05.2007 09:24 by Jump_button )

What if she had been online, and the character had come from someone else's town?

Add me on anything. I'm always looking for new friends/opponents/town visitors/chances to appear more popular than I actually am.

When I read this story I was apalled that such a claim could be made. The writer had no idea about how the game worked, which really annoyed me!

Booooooooooooring. These people should get a life.


It was so obviously put in by an older brother or was a second hand copy - such a piece of non-news for the media to pick up on.

Any chance of some shots? You know, proof?

Screwing the rules since 1989.

Balladeer said:
Any chance of some shots? You know, proof?

Retard - it was so her who put it in by herself.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

LOL. Some parants are so oblivious Smilie

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