Nintendo News | Soul Calibur Legends (Adventure, New Wii Exclusive)

By Slydevil 11.05.2007 21

After various hints from one Matt Casamassina, one of the latest titles revealed to be in development exclusively for Nintendo's Wii is Soul Calibur Legends. First revealed in Famitsu, Namco Bandai has decided to go all out with an epic new adventure.

If you were expecting a beat'em-up akin to Soul Calibur II, you'd be sadly mistaken, Soul Calibur Legends promises to be a fierce 3rd person Action/Adventure with plenty of thrills. Promising an innovative control scheme, the game is surely one to keep your eyes on. Unfortunately no further details are available, but if you fancy an early peek, check out this swanky new artwork from 1UP:

"In Soulcalibur Legends, follow the 16th century exploits of Siegfried and Soulcalibur characters, new and old as they find themselves on a quest for ultimate power in order to save an empire from destruction. Using the Wii Remote and Nunchuk as their weapons of choice, players perform moves and combos using orchestrated slashes and movements. Sword fighting capabilities are pushed to the limit as gamers unleash special attacks to crush scores of enemies and large bosses.

Earn honored titles such as Knight or Soldier as you master special attacks acquired throughout the adventure while battling through diverse stages and environments. With multiple modes of play and the help of familiar faces, the Soulcalibur universe will be viewed in an entirely new light."

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This should be interesting and with the stories behind all of the characters in the Soulcalibur games, Legends has some real potential.

They're probably right to go with something new in the Soulcalibur world because the games all seem to play very much the same. A fourth SC fighter would be great, but still probably feel all too samey.

A third person RPG could be great.

That will be a wierd one. A non-arcade-style fighting Soul Calibur, but it shall be interesting indeed.

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

I enjoyed the quest type game on SC2, it was a nice addition so i'm sure there will be a maket for this.

As long as its not like that Mortal Kombat attempt a few years ago!

Super hyped about this, together with No More Heroes and Galaxy, it's probably one of my most anticipated. Even with the lack of details.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

This interests me. I always thought they should do a Soul Calibur adventure ever since the Dreamcast one.

Yeah it's a bit of a shame that it was not Viewtifull Joe RPG on the flipside, but this will do nicely all the same.

I love the GC fighter which i have, i wonder if Link will make a cameo with Nintendo's blessing.

One to look out for. LS

I might have felt a little apprehensive about this but the fact it's an exclusive is assuring me. Should be interesting - hopefully Link will be back in some form, at some point.

Still need a pure beat em up for Wii though. Smilie

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

hope all the characters are playable

The pics look good, but a vid would have been better. Not complaining as those pics do look awsome. We won't more information!! lol

You people are idiots. If it's going to be a story-driven action adventure, then how on earth can they fit Link into the canon? My guess, is that the player will assume one of the characters (probably Siegfried Schtauffen), who bumps into the other various characters during the course of the quest.

There's a huge opportunity for a great story-driven Action/RPG/Adventure game here, I hope they don't just churn out some rubbish hack'n'slash nonsense. If they did that, then they could stick Link in it, I suppose. But it'd be shit if they did that.

WOO! I'm chuffed with that!!

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Not too keen on them adding more characters, they should just stick with the rosta from Soul Blade on the Playstation. Those characters had good storylines, especially by fighting game standards with various unique reasons to find the soul blade.

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

Yeah, ditch the recent lot. I think the Soul Calibur roster would be perfect.

I dunno... could end up being shit like when they made that game about a character from tekken.
Soul Calibours story and characters are a bit more interesting than tekken though.

( Edited on 12.05.2007 02:37 by Blade2t3 )

XBL Gamertag: James2t3

Yeah, there's a big potential for ruinage here, I agree. However, if they don't try and emphasise the fighting genre heritage at all, and really beef the story up, there's potential.

I would have prefered to see a proper SC game for the Wii, despite the fact that it would inevitably be hugely overshadowed by SSBB. But maybe this RPG is what the series needs to prove that it can't only do beat-em-ups that aren't as good as Nintendo's (personal opinion). I'll reserve judgement for now...

Screwing the rules since 1989.

Well it really depends how Namco handles it. To be honest it really does have potential, it has the characters, fighting mechanics and story for a good game. But Namco could easily just through us a lazy half-arsed Sub-Zero game (can't remember the title, the Mortal Combat spin-off where you controlled Sub-zero).

Oni, I thought that the Soul Calibur characters were a pale imitation of those in Soul Blade. The original PSOne title had some lame characters like Rock but the rest had simple but realistic goals. Mitsurugi for example was looking for the sword so that he could prevent the general acceptance of the firearm in feudal Japan, while Li-Long is looking for the swordsman who killed his wife and believes that swordsman to be Mitsurugi.

Sould Blade had a much better character based narrative than any of its sequels. You could pick almost any character in Soul Calibur 2, they'd have different starting storylines and ending sequences but the actual story told through gameplay was the same for all of them.

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

Hmm... I think I'll have to keep an eye on this, especially since I'm now bored to death of Soul Calibur 2 because I realised you do better if you just press random buttons and they ruined most of the characters in SC3...

At least Ivy's not wearing White and Pink anymore... *shudders*

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

i think if they work hard on developing this game
it could end up great like zelda on the wii.
wii have to wait and see


OMG im really excited about this game, i think it will be awsome Smilie im expecting something along the lines of Onimusha (which i love) Smilie anwyay cant wait to see some footage! Smilie

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