Nintendo Wii News | Brace Yourself for a Euro (Mario) Party!

By Adam Riley 11.05.2007 5

Nintendo has started to build up the hype machine for its forthcoming Wii game Mario Party 8 by issuing a Press Release with more information about what we can expect from it. Being readied for 22nd June, 2007, Nintendo seems to be aiming to make this the most popular entry into the franchise so far, with the games never being taken to that well here in the UK previously.

As well as the usual array of characters, the likes of the Hammer Bros. will also be included to partake in the crazy mini-games that are featured across the game's board, where players must roll virtual dice to determine their character's movement and subsequent minigame selection. There is also an offline multiplayer element to extend the life of the game.

Stick around for further news updates...

Box art for Mario Party 8








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (15 Votes)

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I'm still reading the review before buying it, regardless of any hype Nintendo might stir up. To ensure its success, they should give free remotes away with the game, like they did with Wii Play.

Screwing the rules since 1989.

They won't give away free Wiimotes, Wii Play is a very sorry excuse for a game, it is more like a tutorial on using the Wii.
June 2007? That's good, that is about the time I plan to buy my Wii (or 360). I expect this game to be a very, fun party game.

Z said:
They wont give away free Wiimotes, Wii Play is a very sorry excuse for a game, it is more like a tutorial on using the Wii. June 2007? Thats good, that is about the time I plan to buy my Wii (or 360). I expect this game to be a very, fun party game.

I saw game selling wii play 2nd hand WITHOUT the wimote for

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

I bet you some idiot would actually buy it.

Well I can get this game, wiiplay (with second remote) and a Wii console for

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