Nintendo Wii News | Rare Talks GoldenEye 007 on Virtual Console

By Adam Riley 07.05.2007 29

Considering UK team Rare, developer of the seminal FPS GoldenEye 007, was sold to Microsoft from Nintendo and EA lost the Bond license to Activision recently, chances of the classic appearing on Virtual Console seemed slim-to-none.

But, when asked about the possibility of the James Bond shooter appearing on Nintendo's Virtual Console and/or Microsoft's XBLA, the answer given was "GoldenEye is caught up in a convoluted web of rights the likes of which would make the Weaver from Perdido Street Station jealous. That doesn't mean it won't happen, just that a lot of people with a lot of different perspectives are involved."

However, that answer hardly sheds any new light on what we already knew. Adding to this, a question was asked about other Rare games from Nintendo systems appearing on the Wii's retro service, and the response was:

"This is where we finally edge into territory that could see Scribes neutron bombed from management level. The only Rare-developed title on Virtual Console right now is the original Donkey Kong Country, and unofficially there's a strong likelihood that its sequels will follow. But the Donkey Kong series of games is a Nintendo-owned franchise starring an established Nintendo character, whereas something like Banjo isn't (and even Diddy Kong Racing is less clear-cut), so it's nowhere near as easy to call. Especially when you also consider the existence of Xbox Live Arcade. So right now, the best answer we can offer (for either download service) is 'it's possible'."

To read the full Scribes edition (from 28th February, 2007), just follow this link.

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Box art for GoldenEye 007





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I read elsewhere that Rare will not allow any of it's IPs on VC. XBL will get games like Banjo.

( Edited 25.01.2013 01:25 by Guest )

:-o Well duh we all kinda knew that we were gonna get DKC! But anyway its nice to hear that it is confirmed! Smilie
So there is a chance of Goldeneye being on VC :-o lets hope they find a way to make it possible! Smilie

( Edited 25.01.2013 01:25 by Guest )

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

GoldenEye has aged really badly I wouldn't get it even if it did come out on VC.
Still it's a shame though, Rares games represents a good chunk of N64 games people liked.

( Edited 25.01.2013 01:25 by Guest )

Yeah. I agree with you Blade (on both things). Even Perfect Dark is starting to age. The Banjo-Kazooie games are pretty timeless, though. Then of course, there's Conker's BAD FUR DAY! ^_^

( Edited 25.01.2013 01:25 by Guest )

Oni, where did you read that? All I've ever heard is 'could happen, but probably won't'.

( Edited 01.12.2012 17:35 by Guest )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Joystique or somewhere. It was a post on another forum like yours, linking to a bit of news. Makes sense too. Why would Microsoft allow the enemy to sell games it owns?

( Edited 30.11.2012 18:03 by Guest )

Oni-Ninja said:
Yeah. I agree with you Blade (on both things). Even Perfect Dark is starting to age. The Banjo-Kazooie games are pretty timeless, though. Then of course, theres Conkers BAD FUR DAY! ^_^

Recently got Conker on Xbox very funny game, surprised it was more censored in the xbox version though the poo song isn't as funny Smilie.

( Edited 30.11.2012 18:03 by Guest )

Well, either way, I loved GoldenEye. Back in the day, that's all my friends and I would play. I'd definitely get it if it made it to the VC, I just love it so much!

( Edited 30.11.2012 18:03 by Guest )

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

Blade2t3 said:
Oni-Ninja said:Yeah. I agree with you Blade (on both things). Even Perfect Dark is starting to age. The Banjo-Kazooie games are pretty timeless, though. Then of course, theres Conkers BAD FUR DAY! ^_^
Recently got Conker on Xbox very funny game, surprised it was more censored in the xbox version though the poo song isnt as funny Smilie.

Yeah I know. That right pissed me off.

Oni-Ninja said:
I read elsewhere that Rare will not allow any of its IPs on VC. XBL will get games like Banjo.

Nintendo own the code for the games, but Rare own the legal copyrights and whatnot. Therefore, Microsoft/Rare will need permission from Nintendo to put the old games on the VC. Remakes/Sequels can be done without permission.

I wouldn't be suprised if Rare didn't have any say whatsoever in regards to letting GoldenEye on the VC.

For other Rare N64 games, perhaps they could appear on both VC and Live Arcade...either way, it's essensially easy money for both. least we'll probably get DK64.

DJcube said:
[Nintendo own the code for the games, but Rare own the legal copyrights and whatnot. Therefore, Microsoft/Rare will need permission from Nintendo to put the old games on the VC. Remakes/Sequels can be done without permission.

That wouldn't be the case at all. Rare IPs (such as Banjo-Kazooie) are owned wholly by Rare. The only thing they would probably have to do, is remove/altar the intro screens where the N64 cube and other assorted Nintendo logos appear.

DJcube said:
I wouldnt be suprised if Rare didnt have any say whatsoever in regards to letting GoldenEye on the VC.

Yeah, because it's not their IP or anything. I think they might have some say, because they did make it, but I'm not sure. They would have to give permission for their logos to be used, though. However, those could just be removed I suppose.

DJcube said:
For other Rare N64 games, perhaps they could appear on both VC and Live Arcade...either way, its essensially easy money for least well probably get DK64.

It's possible. It's all down to whether MS will allow them on VC though, which is doubtful. Remember, it's also a major coup for XBL, to most of the best N64 games.

.....I really do hope they bring Conker over - I never got all the way thru!

...I might be better off buying a 64 and hunting the games down.

*goes to Ebay*

Rooolllll OUT!
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Well if Micro$oft wont allow those games to be on VC why would Nintendo let those games be on XBL???

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Because they aren't Nintendo's games to allow in the first place.

The chances of them appearing on Xbox Live Arcade are slim, because it would require either a complete recording OR an N64 emulation.

The best we can hope for is for Nintendo/Microsoft to strike a deal for them to be on both systems.

In fact, even changing GoldenEye is probably out the question,seeing as that would technicaly make it a new game, and Sony owns the Bond IP! <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I find nearly all the N64, saturn, playstation, dreamcast games have aged. There are few gems that still make me want to go back to my 3-d roots, there are still some games which shine through such as OoT,MM, SM64 and PKMNS 1&2

Fortunatly the 2-d games for me haven't had so much as a strain! As a lot of them are still are basic and easy to grasp but still pose a challenge, I CAN NEVER FINISH SUPER PROBOTECTOR NO MATTER WHICH FORMAT!

I would be amazed if Rare released GoldenEye on the VC since MS owns Rare. I agree that GoldenEye has aged poorly but the cool thing about the Live Arcade (and the reason games are slow to come out for it) is that every game has to be upgraded to be HD compatible which usually means optional updated graphics. But the biggest bonus is they usually have online support added such as XBLA titles like Doom and Ninja Turtles Arcade which allows four players over Live to play together. IF GoldenEye is released with 4-8 player online multiplayer over Live I would definetly purchase this title.

I am not saying one service is better than the other but I would expect GoldenEye to only come out on XBLA. Especially with the latest Rare releases that had very disapointing sales. GoldenEye might be a good way to get some extra change along with improve their reputation a little.


I agree. Old games on XBL are far better than what you get on the VC.

Blade2t3 said:
Oni-Ninja said:Yeah. I agree with you Blade (on both things). Even Perfect Dark is starting to age. The Banjo-Kazooie games are pretty timeless, though. Then of course, theres Conkers BAD FUR DAY! ^_^
Recently got Conker on Xbox very funny game, surprised it was more censored in the xbox version though the poo song isnt as funny Smilie.

I <3 that game too, so have a star. Smilie

Oni-Ninja said:
I agree. Old games on XBL are far better than what you get on the VC.

Dissagree. XBLA does not have every game, and sometimes the upgrades ruin ther original game.

Also on the code legalities, if true then why is Concer Reloaded is just X-Box compatible N64 cose with new graphics models?

Sidepocket said:
Dissagree. XBLA does not have every game, and sometimes the upgrades ruin ther original game.

Well obviously that's a matter of personal preference, but I consider the little touches that the games receive on XBL to improve them greatly. Imagine GoldenEye with online play. Exactly. That would never happen on VC, but probably would on XBL.

Of course XBL doesn't have every game, but the ones it does have are the versions of choice. Besides, the VC doesn't have 'every' game either, and most of them are terrible. Virtua Fighter 2 on the Megadrive? Fuck off Smilie

Oni, if Rare were to release their games on XBL, surely they would have to be recoded from the bottom up as they have been written for the N64 and if they aren't going to the VC you can sure as hell guarantee that Nintendo won't allow Microsoft to run an N64 emulator on their machine.

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

its reasons like this that im still glad i have my N64

Matthew Gastrian Evans said:
Oni, if Rare were to release their games on XBL, surely they would have to be recoded from the bottom up as they have been written for the N64 and if they arent going to the VC you can sure as hell guarantee that Nintendo wont allow Microsoft to run an N64 emulator on their machine.

I can see what you're saying, but to my knowledge, emulation is completely legal, and does not infringe copyrights, because nothing is being copied. Otherwise no PC emulators would exist (for the emulators themselves are perfectly legal). It happens all the time, anyway. For instance, the N64 version of RE2 emulates some aspects of the PSone original, rather than recoding it completely for the N64.

Likewise, with the Xbox version of MGS2, Konami emulated some of the PS2 code, rather than recoding everything for Xbox. Emulation of consoles on rival consoles happens all the time in commercial games, and it's never been a legal issue before, so I don't see why it would be in this instance.

Emulation of the N64 wouldn't be an issue, I don't think. Use of the N64 logos and that probably would. But if so, that's a simple alteration anyway.

Dritttoolegit said:
its reasons like this that im still glad i have my N64


( Edited on 08.05.2007 01:47 by Oni )

Oni-Ninja said:
Sidepocket said:Dissagree. XBLA does not have every game, and sometimes the upgrades ruin ther original game.
Well obviously thats a matter of personal preference, but I consider the little touches that the games receive on XBL to improve them greatly. Imagine GoldenEye with online play. Exactly. That would never happen on VC, but probably would on XBL.Of course XBL doesnt have every game, but the ones it does have are the versions of choice. Besides, the VC doesnt have every game either, and most of them are terrible. Virtua Fighter 2 on the Megadrive? Fuck off Smilie

Time Pilot for the 360? That should join the VF2 game.

Online for GoldenEye would be sweet but like some have said, it has not aged well. I have no problem with the game, but I can see legion of people who grew up with Halo 2 not giving two shits about the game like how they did not give two shits about Viva Pinata because it was not the typical 360 game.

I like the way things are. If its not broken, please leave it alone. Example, Ristar that I am playing right now. Its amazing as is both graphically and game play wise. If they tried to dumb it out, or add a retarded online mode or bad clip art looking "HD" graphics I would throw my Wii at someone.

Thank god they did not.

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