Nintendo Wii Media | Dragon Quest Swords Box Art

By Adam Riley 06.05.2007 24

Quick News - With Square Enix's exclusive RPG for Wii, Dragon Quest Swords, set to launch in Japanese on 12th July, 2007, the company has revealed the official box art for the title. Check it out below, along with the preview of the game:

  • Dragon Quest Swords Box Art
  • Dragon Quest Swords C3 Preview
  • Box art for Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen & The Tower of Mirrors

    Genius Sonority


    Square Enix





    C3 Score

    Rated $score out of 10  7/10

    Reader Score

    Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (2 Votes)

    European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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    SWEET BOXART!!! thats one mad Wii cover i like it very much!!! wonder if American/European/Australian Versio n will look the same or not...

    Looks nice enough. Don't like the white flare-y things and the Dragon Quest font though. What's the bets that the gothloli on the right turns out to be 10yrs old. Weird Japanese and their obsessions.

    Is it me or does the guy on the left's right-hand look deformed?

    Other than that strange addition it looks very nice. Gets the message across in a clear way.

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    jesusraz said:
    Is it me or does the guy on the lefts right-hand look deformed?Other than that strange addition it looks very nice. Gets the message across in a clear way.

    His hand is actually drawn quite good^^ It's just a weird perspective and all thatSmilie

    ~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

    I like it. I just don't like the Dragon Ball Z character art style that they've been using in the recent games.

    all the characters are annoying

    I rule!

    errr.. I mean, nice box art... Tho I defently long more for the DS game! Smilie I think it's going to be biggest DS game seller ever Smilie

    I don't really like the look of the two guy characters but the girl looks good. It's a great box art though and hopefully they'll keep this for outside Japan too.

    Awsome, it think it looks really awsome, i love Akira Toriyama's drawing style Smilie

    can't wait for the u.s. release!!

    I personally find it aweful :/.
    I hate the characters' design, and I hate white, which is everywhere since the Wii is out...
    Oh and I hate the logo too.

    It's simple, thats about it.

    I personally think the style is great! Plus its been ages since a dragon quest game came to a Nintendo system!

    I could never understand why some people find this sort of style "annoying" or hateful. I guess it will be a while longer before the gap of culture lessens.

    Nice box art anyway, in line with good old DQ. The skirt's 2 inches shorter now Smilie

    Awsome, i love it! Smilie it looks really cool! Smilie

    I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

    I love all the dumb "I hate the DQ fon and character design" comments.

    That is like saying "I hate the efenimate guys in FF" or "I do not get why there are floating coins in Mario." Its part of the fucking design morons!

    Sidepocket said:
    I love all the dumb I hate the DQ fon and character design comments.That is like saying I hate the efenimate guys in FF or I do not get why there are floating coins in Mario. Its part of the fucking design morons!

    That's the most retarded post I've read all day.

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    Grumbler said:
    Sidepocket said:I love all the dumb I hate the DQ fon and character design comments.That is like saying I hate the efenimate guys in FF or I do not get why there are floating coins in Mario. Its part of the fucking design morons!
    Thats the most retarded post Ive read all day.
    Lol. I was actually nodding at Sidepocket post when I came across that reply. and I was cracking up! I think this exchange has become unintentionally witty.

    EDIT: Just to clarify in case it wasn't clear, I do agree there is an element of retardedness in that, but had to be pointed out first. lol.

    ( Edited on 08.05.2007 00:25 by Powdered Water )

    I love all the dumb "I disagree with the right to bear arms" comments.
    Its part of the constitution morons!

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    Grumbler said:
    I love all the dumb I disagree with the right to bear arms comments.Its part of the constitution morons!

    Was that suppose to be a retort? Because most people would agree with you right there.


    P.S. Was its retareded because it was true. I guess if I said Bush was an idiot that would be the most retarded comment on the planet.

    When you ask for Pizza you do not expect it to look like a Fruit Cake. Why? Because its a pizza dumbass. When you ask for a God of War game, you do not expect it to be filled with Kratos petting bunnies and playing Tetris. Why? Its god of war you asshole!

    Therefore, when you get a Dragon Quest game, why are you asking why the art is by Akira Toriyama art and there is the old Dragon Quest logo. ITS FUCKING DRAGON QUEST, THAT IS WHAT IT IS SUPPOSE TO HAVE!

    ( Edited on 08.05.2007 08:54 by Sidepocket )

    No one asked why it's there they just said they don't like it. So what?

    The Box Art I must say is pretty nice.

    Z said:
    The Box Art I must say is pretty nice.

    yes back on topic... the box looks very shexy!!

    Grumbler said:
    I love all the dumb I disagree with the right to bear arms comments.Its part of the constitution morons!
    That depends on where you draw the starting line. We are all slaves to what we have been raised to believe in by our immediate surroundings (family/friends/media etc).

    Thus the importance of objective thinking. It allows you to shove aside the very fabric of your being and start to look at everything from opposing angles. It brings the courage to understand what you don't understand.

    This is not a criticism by the way, in case you take it the wrong way.

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