Nintendo News | EA Canada Brings Playground Antics to DS/Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.05.2007 5

With Wii and DS exclusives from EA set to be revealed in the near future, IGN has nabbed one of the projects - EA Playground - the sheer fun of being young at heart.

An interview with EA's Dave McCarthy, describes Playground as "capturing the sheer fun of being a kid", crammed full of quirky characters, collectables and the main feat: a collection of pick-up-and-play games based on classic games with some fresh twists.

Both versions have distinctive mini-games that use motion and touch input. On Wii players use gesture based Wii-remote action: for example throwing/dodging in dodge ball or driving an RC car. The DS version uses microphone input (spit balls) and stylus control (bug hunt) to give players a completely unique set of challenges.

Multiplayer is avaliable locally on Wii and DS and promises to be much like Wii sports - quick and easy to play for all ages. For Billy-no-mates, single players can go about the playground world and collect stickers as accomplishments and unlock content for when friends come round.

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Ive seen the screens elsewhere, i like the graphic style and the whole Wii Sports ethos behind it.

One i shall keep an eye on for sure, looks like great fun and i like the character models, they all look like naughty kids. LS

Sounds like a collectathon to be honest.

The concept reminds me of the game "Univrsal Studios" for some reason...

( Edited on 02.05.2007 14:40 by DJcube )

If these are only minigames, then go away. I do hate Minigames for Wii. Seen to much already.
But Wii Sports is a lot of fun... So on the other hand... Yes, sounds interesting.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

"4) Laurelin
If these are only minigames, then go away. I do hate Minigames for Wii. Seen to much already.
But Wii Sports is a lot of fun... So on the other hand... Yes, sounds interesting."


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