Nintendo News | NBA Live 08 Heads to Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.05.2007 15

Sporting fans can get their balls bouncy with confirmation of NBA Live 08 heading to the Wii for an all out dribbling session with some of basketball's top players courtesy to EA.

According to GameSpot, EA Canada is heading the project, and has confirmed that the title will at least be making an appearance on the Wii and Sony's PlayStation 3. Washington Wizards' star Gilbert Arenas has been confirmed to be gracing the game's much sought after cover slot.

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Oh man this should be awesome!! I'm really curious as to how it controls. Are we going to be mimicking dribbling movements with the Wiimote and passing by pushing forward with both the Nunchuk and Wiimote?? Because that would be pretty awesome.

That would rock, really

The PS3 sisaxis control is laughable, the Wii remotes should be far better, faints with the Nunchuk are going to be great. Looking foward to this. LS

I am already into Wii dribbling - apparently it's my prostate:cooldude:

Thank you, you've been a great audience. There will be a late show at 11, try the chickenSmilie

Temporarily banned until further notice.

Basketball can work on the Wii, since that you use hands for playing basketball. Can be imitated on Wii.

Mmmmmmmmmm. Basketball.Smilie

( Edited on 02.05.2007 11:48 by Darkspine Sonic )

oldschool said:
I am already into Wii dribbling - apparently its my prostate:cooldude:Thank you, youve been a great audience. There will be a late show at 11, try the chickenSmilie

Smilie Yukz, you should guzzle down pumpkin seeds help that sorta thing, ive been told certain foods strenghthen it, or maybe that has something to do with labido?, ah well it's all connected down their.

Eat well oldschool, live long and prosper among the kids. LS

( Edited on 02.05.2007 11:51 by Linkyshinks )

Looking forward to see how this will work as this will be the first Wiimote controlled Basketball game for the Wii.

Linkyshinks said:
oldschool said:I am already into Wii dribbling - apparently its my prostate:cooldude:Thank you, youve been a great audience. There will be a late show at 11, try the chickenSmilie
Smilie Yukz, you should guzzle down pumpkin seeds help that sorta thing, ive been told certain foods strenghthen it, or maybe that has something to do with labido?, ah well its all connected down their. Eat well oldschool, live long and prosper among the kids. LS( Edited on 02.05.2007 11:51 by Linkyshinks )

Gee thanks youngster. I am in good health and have yet to have one of THOSE check-upsSmilie

Temporarily banned until further notice.

My dad had similar issues late in his life, he warned us all to take care now otherwise we would be sleeping in pools of piss at his age if we were not carefull SmilieLS

Linkyshinks said:
My dad had similar issues late in his life, he warned us all to take care now otherwise we would be sleeping in pools of piss at his age if we were not carefull SmilieLS

The circular nature of life - come into the world with no bladder control and go out the same way.

Temporarily banned until further notice.

Lol, so true. Smilie LS

Linkyshinks said:
The PS3 sisaxis control is laughable, the Wii remotes should be far better, faints with the Nunchuk are going to be great. Looking foward to this. LS

How is it laughable? Smilie It works perfectly on some games and is a lil incomplete on others, exactly like the wii mote! Please explain to me how that is laughable?!

I mean look at sonic and red steel! Those controls are fucking awful...jerky, slow and sometimes just didnt work in the slightest, then you look at Zelda, controls for the sword fighting work well and it moves well with the nunchuck and is fun to play, much like the PS3 Sixaxis, so if you wana call the sixaxis laughable your gona have to say the same for the wiimote, hypocrite...

Plus who says they would use the sixaxis? The only thing they can use it for is free throws, which 2k7 have used to great effect.

Im not looking forward to this game, 07 was an embarasment to the series and 2k have taken advantage of ths and cornered the market. I'll give it a look though.

( Edited on 02.05.2007 15:23 by Takeo )

"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." Deviantart Profile-||-Myspace

I would actually consider this. It will be interesting to see how they implement the controls. It makes sense to use the Wiimote to dribble...

Takeo said:
Linkyshinks said:The PS3 sisaxis control is laughable, the Wii remotes should be far better, faints with the Nunchuk are going to be great. Looking foward to this. LS
How is it laughable? Smilie It works perfectly on some games and is a lil incomplete on others, exactly like the wii mote! Please explain to me how that is laughable?!I mean look at sonic and red steel! Those controls are fucking awful...jerky, slow and sometimes just didnt work in the slightest, then you look at Zelda, controls for the sword fighting work well and it moves well with the nunchuck and is fun to play, much like the PS3 Sixaxis, so if you wana call the sixaxis laughable your gona have to say the same for the wiimote, hypocrite...Plus who says they would use the sixaxis? The only thing they can use it for is free throws, which 2k7 have used to great effect.Im not looking forward to this game, 07 was an embarasment to the series and 2k have taken advantage of ths and cornered the market. Ill give it a look though.( Edited on 02.05.2007 15:23 by Takeo )

Calm down, yes perhaps laughable was a strong word to use but i was talking about the sixaxis support for this game because i have seen it implimented in a PS3 Basketball game already, i'm sure it works perfectly with other games like Warhawk and Lair though.

They did a feature preview of a similar game on Gamespot and it did indeed have sixaxis support for the free throws, it has to be said it did not look very good at all, although it can be de-selected in the options screen.

I would want such controls to be able to take shots at will and not in a pre composed fashion, i reckon the remote and nunchuk would be more likely to bring that about with the option of after touch for spin of the backboard.

Having to have both hands on a sixasis would not replicate that same feel as well i think, it would feel restrictive, when you hold a hooked up remote you can feel what would be possible and relatively easy to impliment in the game for taking shots outside the line and in for dunking.

There is no doubt the PS3 version will have all the gloss but what may be far more rewarding is slam dunk with the Nunchuk configuration. LS

( Edited on 02.05.2007 18:42 by Linkyshinks )

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