Nintendo Media | Donkey Kong Blasts Off on Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.04.2007 17

The jungle is set alive with barrel-blasting action as Donkey Kong and the diabolical krunch family take to the skies in Donkey Kong: Bongo Blast with the game heading to Wii.

Nintendo released a handful of screens and artwork from the latest build.

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Box art for Donkey Kong: Jet Race
Also known as

Donkey Kong: Barrel Blast









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This isn't particularly a stab at this game, but I think using motion blur to make a game look better (which invariably is the case with some games e.g. Burnout) is becoming a bit of a clich

Who knows - it'll probably look fairly decent in action but from some of these stills the background elements look tacky/lazy.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Yeah, I know what you mean. The draw distance looks a bit dodgy too. Meh, screens can't tell you everything about a game. Videos are where it's at.

DOn't tell me - the Kong Clan make up the playable characters. Imagine having to listen to Diddy's inane squealings every time you pass him. Wouldn't that be fun?[/sarcasm]

Screwing the rules since 1989.

Perhaps the graphics were based off the GC engine which the game was originally intended for? It doesn't look amazing but I'm sure it'll be pretty fun.

As long as you can still use the bongos I'll probably end up getting it, since those things make anything fun. If you can't they've gone insane...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Azzy said:
Perhaps the graphics were based off the GC engine which the game was originally intended for? It doesnt look amazing but Im sure itll be pretty fun.

But because it isn't a launch title like Zelda, there's no excuse for the game to look like a GameCube game. No excuse at all. Smilie

Megadanx said it. This must use the Bongos.

Dojo also said it. There is no excuse for this not to look sublime. It doesn't require realistic water effects or particle wotsits, just sharp colourful 60fps bozness.

Has anyone noticed a weird graphical thing with ExciteTruck? As you get closer to hills while flying through the air the textures slowly jump up in detail. Anyone?

Less posty, more gamey.

Is this game still going to be called Donkey Kong: Bongo Blast? I thought it was changed to Donkey Jet? May be a sign that there's going to be no bongo functionality.

( Edited on 28.04.2007 01:03 by CuRoi )

Pretty...ish...motion blur is getting old.

im looking forward to this

Jb the title has now been renamed and is is called Donkey Kong Jet, and not Donkey Kong: Bongo Blast

Wait till you see the game in motion before passing judgement.^

It does look OK in my eyes, and it is essentialy a GC port, even if it is not a launch game it has been specced just above GC like TP.

Upspeccing a game at a late stage development is i imagine costly and very time consuming. LS

I'd rather motion blur than shitty graphics by themselves, and it works so why do you guys complain? It makes the game feel even faster too. Looks pretty fun to be honest.

I JUST WANT ANOTHER GOOD DONKEY KONGA! konga 2 sucked ass. Anyway does this even use the bongos?

\/\/007 69th comment!
(sorry, Iam childish!)

I wonder if it will play like Mario Kart, IGN.COM have 80 or so screencaps and have been going through them all trying to assume details The findings will be on the site next week. LS

I don't have a problem with the graphics, as long as I can see my character, opposing characters, obstacles and the way I'm meant to be going that's all I'm concerned about. Everything else is window dressing which for me is a negative, you need to focus on the race not the high definition scenery otherwise BANG! you've just lost first place.

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

It looks fun, im not to bothered about graphics coz games like this arent suppose to have amazing grfx... its all about the gameplay Smilie

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