Nintendo Wii News | Red Steel & Rayman Nearly Hit Million Worldwide

By Adam Riley 27.04.2007 20

Quick News - In yet another financial report, Ubisoft has revealed that whilst older games continued their strong sales in the last quarter of the year, it was the Wii pair that were most impressive; Rayman Raving Rabbids lies at 830,000 units and Red Steel at 950,000 worldwide!

With Red Steel 2 already on the way, how long before another Rayman arrives?

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Just shows you how bad people's tastes in games are.

Rayman isn't that bad, and Red Steel was pretty mixed overall. Although positive for Ubisoft, and hopefully some decent and original support from them following these sales and probably huge amounts of profit.

I suppose with Red Steel it was the idea, rather than the finished product (oh and the marketing).

Ubisoft made a game that people wanted. By all accounts, they just didn't make a very good one.

Hopefully with more development time and a better understanding of the Wii, a sequel to Red Steel will be the game that everyone hoped the original would be.

"This man has advanced communist views ... He dresses in a bohemian fashion both at his office and in his leisure hours."

Smilie wow unexpected news...

Red Steel 2 should be in the works then. That game has so much potential. If they just ironed out those freaking controls and upped the graphics a little. Maybe throw in more of that respect stuff and you could have a really awesome game.

am i the only one who liked Red Steel?

I hope the next rayman isnt a rushed piece of rubbish like the first one.
You cant build a game purely on good humour, you need bugtesting and substance too!

Seriously, how did they release a game were it was impossible to get all the unlockables?
I mean, they got the basic maths wrong!

Given how short the main game is, its inexcusable that the replability is killed on the minigames. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Heres the website
cool Smilie

I was delighted, surprisingly, by Red Steel. I see its flaws, but I didn't think it was as bad as people said Smilie

Maquis said:
am i the only one who liked Red Steel?

I enjoyed it alot too. Yes their were some problems, I completed it within a few days. But it was still a really fun game to play.

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am i the only one who liked Red Steel?

Certainly not, those who have played the game for more than a few minutes know better.

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

Erotic_Spider said:
am i the only one who liked Red Steel?
Certainly not, those who have played the game for more than a few minutes know better.

I played it for a few hours and it was rubbish, everything about it was just broken. It was one of the worst games I have ever played.

You would have to be blind not to see that.

Marzy said:
Erotic_Spider said:
am i the only one who liked Red Steel?
Certainly not, those who have played the game for more than a few minutes know better.
I played it for a few hours and it was rubbish, everything about it was just broken. It was one of the worst games I have ever played.You would have to be blind not to see that.

i think youre confusing it with monkey ball. that was so annoyingly bad, it gave me cancer.

Maquis said:
Marzy said:
Erotic_Spider said:
am i the only one who liked Red Steel?
Certainly not, those who have played the game for more than a few minutes know better.
I played it for a few hours and it was rubbish, everything about it was just broken. It was one of the worst games I have ever played.You would have to be blind not to see that.
i think youre confusing it with monkey ball. that was so annoyingly bad, it gave me cancer.

Whatever, at least it worked. Monkey Ball was a much better game than Red Steel ever was. The moment you played Monkey Ball, you felt quality. When I played Red Steel I felt a rushed glitchy game, which had no effort put into it.

You also describe the game as, "annoyingly" bad. This probably meaning that you were so bad at the game, that you slagged it off for that reason, instead of the quality of the actual game.

( Edited on 27.04.2007 19:05 by Marzy )

Marzy said:
Maquis said:
Marzy said:
Erotic_Spider said:
am i the only one who liked Red Steel?
Certainly not, those who have played the game for more than a few minutes know better.
I played it for a few hours and it was rubbish, everything about it was just broken. It was one of the worst games I have ever played.You would have to be blind not to see that.
i think youre confusing it with monkey ball. that was so annoyingly bad, it gave me cancer.
Whatever, at least it worked. Monkey Ball was a much better game than Red Steel ever was. The moment you played Monkey Ball, you felt quality. When I played Red Steel I felt a rushed glitchy game, which had no effort put into it.You also describe the game as, annoyingly bad. This probably meaning that you were so bad at the game, that you slagged it off for that reason, instead of the quality of the actual game.( Edited on 27.04.2007 19:05 by Marzy )

nope, i honestly just hated it. and that soundtrack too... GRAAAARGH!!

But monkey ball DOESN't work.
The wii controls are designed made to make the almost impossible game impossible.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

ZeroSimon said:
But monkey ball DOESNt work.The wii controls are designed made to make the almost impossible game impossible.

I wouln't say that. I managed to get through the first seven worlds each without using up a continue, and I was utter crap at GC monkey ball. Wouldn't be possible with Broken Controls.Smilie

On topic. Both over a million? Undeserved.Smilie

( Edited on 30.04.2007 13:18 by Darkspine Sonic )

Blitz was like marmite. I loved it.

Dr_R said:
I suppose with Red Steel it was the idea, rather than the finished product (oh and the marketing).Ubisoft made a game that people wanted. By all accounts, they just didnt make a very good one. Hopefully with more development time and a better understanding of the Wii, a sequel to Red Steel will be the game that everyone hoped the original would be.

I agree, and to add it's always nice n easy finding someones post who's thoughts are akin to yours.

Lazy bank Holiday Mondayz, dont you just luv em. Smilie

The Paris team are making it again, which is a bad idea if they are going to be arrogant again about the control scheme. Giving it to the Paris office is bad idea for a few reasons i think.

The Shanghai office who made Splinter C CT are much better suited to creating this title imo.

I never bought RS Smilie, and i am very critical about the title despite, especially after seeing 26 different bugs on You Tube- woefully bad programming.

I dont like Ubisoft very much also, but they are changing direction with IPs. LS

( Edited on 30.04.2007 15:55 by Linkyshinks )

Ubisoft make buggy shite, and on the Wii they can't even patch their buggy shite.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

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