Nintendo Media | Space Station Simulation For Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.04.2007 13

Simulation fans rejoice! Following Namco Bandai's first details of Space Station Tycoon for Wii at the end of February this year, more has now been uncovered as players explore the universe with a kid and his monkey friend to seek out fortune.

The game spans various different levels of varying objectives to expand their growing empire. Interestingly enough the Wii remote is used to create and manipulate gravity to defend their station against evil pirates and asteroids.

Space Station Tycoon is due for release this summer.

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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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I always said the Wii would probably be the first console that I buy sim games for such as this. And, well, this could be the first!

Smilie Looks alright! When is this coming to EU?

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

The word simulation is over used, it can mean anything these days.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Looks just about OK, details and reviews are essential though.

I am still playing Sim City in bouts on the VC and was thinking about getting Theme Park on the DS, but i have not read any reviews yet. LS

Hm...I can't help but compare it to Galaxy. In visual terms and this is sorely lacking...

I suppose it's very Namco in style. LS

Grumbler said:
The word simulation is over used, it can mean anything these days.

So is FPS, Puzzle and RPG. Add Cinematic in there too.

Whats your point?

There's an XBLA games virtually identical to this...

knighty said:
Theres an XBLA games virtually identical to this...

It's a port by the same people.

Linkyshinks said:
Looks just about OK, details and reviews are essential though. I am still playing Sim City in bouts on the VC and was thinking about getting Theme Park on the DS, but i have not read any reviews yet. LS

dojo said:
knighty said:Theres an XBLA games virtually identical to this...
Its a port by the same people.
Linkyshinks said:Looks just about OK, details and reviews are essential though. I am still playing Sim City in bouts on the VC and was thinking about getting Theme Park on the DS, but i have not read any reviews yet. LS

Cheers i have rarely read reviews in that section and hardly check it, thanks.
Ken Kutaragi father of the Playstation has retired!

NG Sigma demo is available for those with U.S machines. (long and large download)

God of war 2 comes out today Smilie, my copy should slip under the door around 11-12 today when i get it i shall pass on my impressions in General Gaming. LS

( Edited on 27.04.2007 08:58 by Linkyshinks )

Sidepocket said:
Grumbler said:The word simulation is over used, it can mean anything these days.
So is FPS, Puzzle and RPG. Add Cinematic in there too.Whats your point?

More to the point, what's your point?

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Yeah! Looks addictive.

Grumbler said:
Sidepocket said:
Grumbler said:The word simulation is over used, it can mean anything these days.
So is FPS, Puzzle and RPG. Add Cinematic in there too.Whats your point?
More to the point, whats your point?

Bad use of a "I know what you are but what am I" tactic.

You said the word simulation is over used. Its like telling us the sky is blue. Or that to play videogames you need to have a controler. Or that in a first person shooter you shoot things.

Waist of a post. Also, if this was not your point, then you should have awnsered my question.

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