RPG News | Square Enix Confirms FFXIII Project Not PS3 Exclusive

By Adam Riley 17.04.2007 26

Quick News - The FFXIII project, Fabula Nove Crystallis, currently consists of two PS3 games and a mobile one, but with a planned six titles in total, Square Enix's Motomu Toriyama has confirmed that other formats will be getting FFXIII games.

Which do you think is more likely, a DS or Wii version?

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Probably DS, although to be honest I'm sick of hearing the name Final Fantasty with a random string of roman numerals after it.

Oh dear...

I'd place my bets the mobile one heading to DS and some of the console iterations on the 360, and at a stretch, Wii.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Well DS is almost a certainty for at least one of the games, but I wouldn't rule out a Wii spinoff either.

If it's only confirmed that other formats will be getting it, then it might not be released on a Nintendo console. It could be a PS2 release and 360 ports of the PS3 games.

squeek said:
If its only confirmed that other formats will be getting it, then it might not be released on a Nintendo console. It could be a PS2 release and 360 ports of the PS3 games.

Very true - the PS2 still has a lot of life going for it, but I reckon they'll at least consider the DS/Wii (especially DS, given it's incredible success) - wouldn't rule out a Nintendo FF entirely.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

How about making the MAIN GAME multiplatform huh?

Wheres your source of information on this? Did you speak with him personally?

I'm excited for all versions of Final Fantasy (especially if there is one for Wii) but I need some proof to believe you I'm afraid Smilie

I think we will se a scaled Wii version as part of those releases or perhaps as someone says a spin off variation, which in my opinion is not such a bad thing, FF13 will be a very high spec game. LS

This will be the generation for multi-platform games, with deverlopers keen to capitalize on brief exclusivity before releasing their games across the board- this is great for Wii and DS i suppose, it certainly pisses off 360 and PS3 owners.

( Edited on 17.04.2007 11:49 by Linkyshinks )

i though haeriesis (or whatever it was) had been confirmed for wii, or was that just a rumour

edit: they could also mak a movie of it, just like they did with advent children

( Edited on 17.04.2007 13:26 by jakndaxter )

Looking at what they did with FF7, it's safe to say that it was obvious that FF13 would be spread out even more. I think the PS3 games will remain exclusive to the PS3 so any games the 360/wii/ds/psp get will be spin offs like the PS3's Versus XIII.

jb said:
Oh dear...Id place my bets the mobile one heading to DS and some of the console iterations on the 360, and at a stretch, Wii.

I do not think SquareEnix will consider the 360. They have Mistwalker, FF XI did not sell very well and 360 is not a very well known or liked console in Japan. It would be Wii/DS/PC if anything.

I really think its Wii because I have noticed a pattern. The first Square Enix games are always crappy test games. Square puts the bad Mario Basketball and decent remake of Final Fantasy III on DS....look what we get? Tons of DS RPG's and a offical sequil to FF XII!

I think it might work the same way if Dragon Quest Swords sells well, we will get some spin off game of FF XIII and such.

The only way I can see that Microsoft could possibly get a slice of the pie is if they really throw big ass $$$ to SquareEnix as payment. Then again, they are a Japanese company...

The Wii and DS will both have Final Fantasy XIII games grace their systems.

The MMO that Square-Enix is developing for the Xbox 360, possibly the PS3, and Windows Vista is probably set in the Final Fantasy XIII universe.

Here's what I want to see: DS and Wii games. DS certainly gets one episode, it is confirmed.
Wii should get the main game or at least a big RPG-game in the universe. PS3 and X360 will get the main-game unabridged.

I fear it will be like this:
DS and Wii will get cheap spin offs, PS3 and X360 will get the main game and no Wii-version will be done from this. Maybe some strategy-RPGs (I do not like them) and that's it.

I hope that we will get the first bunch, the one I wished...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Bye bye Sony

"Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." Deviantart Profile-||-Myspace

Well that article's title certainly takes some liberties with the ideas of exclusivity.

Seeing how Final Fantasy XIII (PS3) and Versus are the signature parts of the FF13 universe and they will only be on PS3, I don't think we can start scoffing at Sony for losing it's oppressive power hold just yet. Making a completely different game that takes place in the same universe as another game, for a different platform, hardly constitutes breaking exclusivity. At best you can call it a compromise for fans. Saying more than that would be like looking at Final Fantasy VII Snowboarding for mobile phones, released in 2005, and praising it as a long awaited sequel...

The day a port of FF13 (PS3) comes to Xbox360 and Wii (largely unaltered mind you...), then we'll call the loyalties of Square-Enix to Sony into question.

( Edited on 17.04.2007 18:42 by Gewbur )

Im happy that Square start to consider nintendo as a choice for ports after the lack of games on the GC, there will hopefully be a rerelease of classic PSX versions of FF 7-9 for the ds if it can handle the graphical properties. or if not that virtual console releases. I would be happy for it to come to the 360 as i now own one as of last week!

FF XIII versus for wii *prays*

Have a star, Gewbur! I totally agree!
But I think since it is too expensive for PS3-exclusivity, it is possible for the main game being released on x360 as well. Wii-version would be a blast. But it is unlikely.

I, too, hope, that S-E considers more games for big Nintendo-consoles. I think DS support is very widespreaded, fo that I thank S-E and it strenghtens DS as a platform. Especially for core gamers. It's great for them to own a DS - more then to own a PSP. I do hope they consider doing something similar for Wii. I know I'm a relic not consider buying PS3 or x360, but I want to stick with Wii and need both casual and core games and want wide-spreaded game support for Wii! So five ma a core-FF on Wii, please!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I don't see S-E taking the main FFXIII to Wii. But I could see one of the remaining three entries into the 'FFXIII Project: Fabula Nove Crystallis' coming to Wii...even DS (as rumoured in EGM previously).

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I hope it's Wii and not DS. Square-Enix are doing enough for the DS and need to start increasing their support for Wii.

Even better would be a game for both.Smilie

( Edited on 18.04.2007 16:41 by IfritXVII )

wow never expected this Smilie
this must be like the 40th FF game or something close to that..... dont people get bored of it?!?!?

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

So... There's... 6 Final Fantasy 13s?

This is just ridiculous...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I'd like to see the main game go multi-platform. Though that'd only really be possible (without downgrading the game to the point of ruining it) on the 360, which isn't a major presence in Japan, so I'm not sure about that. It's huge in America though, so it's a distinct possibility.

What's with all this FF spin-off crap? Can't they just make one FF game at a time, anymore?

Sidepocket said:
jb said:Oh dear...Id place my bets the mobile one heading to DS and some of the console iterations on the 360, and at a stretch, Wii.
I do not think SquareEnix will consider the 360. They have Mistwalker, FF XI did not sell very well and 360 is not a very well known or liked console in Japan. It would be Wii/DS/PC if anything.I really think its Wii because I have noticed a pattern. The first Square Enix games are always crappy test games. Square puts the bad Mario Basketball and decent remake of Final Fantasy III on DS....look what we get? Tons of DS RPGs and a offical sequil to FF XII!I think it might work the same way if Dragon Quest Swords sells well, we will get some spin off game of FF XIII and such.The only way I can see that Microsoft could possibly get a slice of the pie is if they really throw big ass $$$ to SquareEnix as payment. Then again, they are a Japanese company...

Mario Slam Basketball is awesome, phool...

wow never expected this Smiliethis must be like the 40th FF game or something close to that..... dont people get bored of it?!?!?

Why arn't people bored of zelda yet isn't it the same thing over and over?
All this spin off crap is kind of annoying, don't mind the odd direct sequal to a FF but there going a bit over board now.

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