Nintendo News | More Survival Horror on Wii

By Adam Riley 16.04.2007 20

Following Escape from Bug Island and the revelation of two Resident Evil games, a new survival horror title has been announced for Nintendo's Wii.

Playlogic Entertainment has announced that it acquired Obscure II from French Developer Hydravision. A PC and PlayStation 2 release is planned for the third quarter of this year, with a Wii release in the final quarter.

The game is set two years after the events of the first game. The characters have gone on to college where horrifying events overtake them once again.

Players choose from one of six playable characters and are joined by an AI sidekick. Other players can join in at any point for some co-op action.

"I am extremely pleased that we added Obscure II to our line up. The first instalment was well received by both press and public. Hydravision has pushed the envelope with Obscure II and I am confident that the game will do even better then its predecessor."
- Stefan Layer, VP of Marketing & Sales of Playlogic International N.V.

"Obscure II displays refined talent in every aspect, from high attention to visual details and optimised control schemes; and a dense and intense in-game atmosphere. It' is a thrilling and unique game with polished game features; an incredible experience."
- Dominique Morel, CTO of Playlogic International N.V.

"We are happy to work together with Playlogic on Obscure II; they meet all of our expectations and I'm sure that their expertise will be very positive for the game. The two-person cooperative gameplay of Obscure II has been fully optimised. I think players will love this game."
- Denis Potentier, CEO of Hydravision.

Expect more details soon, but for now be sure to check out the screens below...

Box art for Obscure II
Also known as

Obscure: The Aftermath









C3 Score

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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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Keep tabs on this one J-raz, I'd like to know more.

the first one....was quite bad.

at least it looks ok [read: basic] - those are prolly PS3/PC shots and thats just sad if they are.

At least it'll be easy to port it to the Wii in that matter. It can handle this game's engine - EASY..... Ah, maybe it'll be worth it?...

Rooolllll OUT!
Whos space?! MY SPACE!!
Currently Playing: MKart Wii|CoD 4 [S/N:MistaSergio]|GTA IV
!Wii Rocker!

The water dispenser in the third shot looks...nice...

Doesn't look too bad, quite like the environments and models. Should be quite catchy title I hope, the Wii may become some survival horror-fest.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Sounds like a interesting title, one worth keeping an eye on, the graphics dont look bad at all but i suppose those will be downscaled considerably for Wii seeing as though it was in development for PS

It actually looks very nice! Might be a fun game. The more "mature" games coming to the Wii the better I suppose.

MistaSergio said:
the first one....was quite least it looks ok [read: basic] - those are prolly PS3/PC shots and thats just sad if they are.At least itll be easy to port it to the Wii in that matter. It can handle this games engine - EASY..... Ah, maybe itll be worth it?...

The first games story was good, the main problem with it is that it used Resident Evil Tank Controls and Camera.

If they fix the controls, then this will be good methinks. Plus, those are sweet graphics for a PS2/PC/Wii game IMO. I would say Manhunt or Valkier Profile 2 level. Smilie

Sidepocket said:
MistaSergio said:the first one....was quite least it looks ok [read: basic] - those are prolly PS3/PC shots and thats just sad if they are.At least itll be easy to port it to the Wii in that matter. It can handle this games engine - EASY..... Ah, maybe itll be worth it?...
The first games story was good, the main problem with it is that it used Resident Evil Tank Controls and Camera.If they fix the controls, then this will be good methinks. Plus, those are sweet graphics for a PS2/PC/Wii game IMO. I would say Manhunt or Valkier Profile 2 level. Smilie

Hopefully the story and controls get bumped up - story didn't engage me at all!

Rooolllll OUT!
Whos space?! MY SPACE!!
Currently Playing: MKart Wii|CoD 4 [S/N:MistaSergio]|GTA IV
!Wii Rocker!

Looks pretty good, I'll be keeping my eye on it. Smilie

Sidepocket said:
MistaSergio said:the first one....was quite least it looks ok [read: basic] - those are prolly PS3/PC shots and thats just sad if they are.At least itll be easy to port it to the Wii in that matter. It can handle this games engine - EASY..... Ah, maybe itll be worth it?...
The first games story was good, the main problem with it is that it used Resident Evil Tank Controls and Camera.If they fix the controls, then this will be good methinks. Plus, those are sweet graphics for a PS2/PC/Wii game IMO. I would say Manhunt or Valkier Profile 2 level. Smilie

It's PS3, Wii and PC.

Wow. Graphics are quite good. How does it control though...hopefully not at all like the old Resident Evils.

You have a good Sharingan eye Mason. I totally agree with you. It looks pretty cool and is certainly one to keep an eye out for.

dojo said:
Sidepocket said:
MistaSergio said:the first one....was quite least it looks ok [read: basic] - those are prolly PS3/PC shots and thats just sad if they are.At least itll be easy to port it to the Wii in that matter. It can handle this games engine - EASY..... Ah, maybe itll be worth it?...
The first games story was good, the main problem with it is that it used Resident Evil Tank Controls and Camera.If they fix the controls, then this will be good methinks. Plus, those are sweet graphics for a PS2/PC/Wii game IMO. I would say Manhunt or Valkier Profile 2 level. Smilie
Its PS3, Wii and PC.

Did GoNintendo screw up?

Oops, no, typo on our part. Corrected.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Whens Bug Island coming out over here? Really looking forward to that bad boy.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

i wonder if these screen shots r from PS3 or the Wii?

but are these Scenes from the Wii version or PC/PS2? it looks cool. looking forward to this hopefully the controls will be as good as Res Evil 4looks to be.

The graphics are quite nice, provided that those are Wii shots.

Whens Bug Island coming out over here? Really looking forward to that bad boy.

I am afraid that might be just too scary... this game takes the horror genre too far.

I have a question. what happened to sadness and harker for the wii? they looked kickass!

I have a question. what happened to sadness and harker for the wii? they looked kickass!

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