Nintendo DS Media | Final Fantasy Tactics A2 Screens & Info

By Adam Riley 06.04.2007 9

Square Enix's sequel to the fantastic GBA SRPG Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is heading to the DS, complete with more quests, increased variation of missions and user-friendly use of the two screens and touch control input. Set for 2007, it will be playable at May's 'Square Enix Party'. Screens can be found in the media folder at the bottom of this story. Other than this, some vague details have been revealed via Famitsu magazine.

Final Fantasy Tactics A2: The Sealed Grimoire is due to have a similar theme to the GBA version, with the main characters starting off again in the real world and then being transported into the magical world of Ivalice (this game is part of the new Square Enix project 'Ivalice Alliance'). Species that will be encountered along the way include the likes of Bangaas and Moogles and the storyline will be much lighter than other Final Fantasy games.

Luso, the main character, sets off to explore the world of Ivalice and along the way will be several new jobs, two of which are thought to be 'Samurai' and 'Mage' due to images within the Japanese magazine. Wrapping things up, it is also mentioned that bosses will be larger than before, and a different approach will be taken to the idea of a world map.

  • Final Fantasy Tactics A2's Square Enix Party Page
  • Official Final Fantasy Tactics A2 Website
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    Box art for Final Fantasy Tactics A2

    Square Enix


    Square Enix





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    Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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    Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (14 Votes)

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    Can't wait for this game! Though the "lighter" storyline has me a bit worried. Though FFTA wasn't exactly a story driven game, it is still good to have a good storyline.

    Screw the story!! I want to hear about the new jobs!!

    Image for

    Image for

    It looks gorgeous!!! It's so fucking clear and colourful!! I think I just had an orgasm.

    ( Edited on 07.04.2007 02:24 by tiamat1990 )

    Ahhh wait i only just got why it's called A2, me a bit slow!
    So is it known if it ties in with the story form the GBA one or is it totally new?

    XBL Gamertag: James2t3

    I just went to the website and they're keeping that theme song!! I think I just orgasmed again.

    There better be a lot of new jobs, i just don't want 2 or so, the more the awesomeness.

    I couldn't get enough of the GBA game, and actually found it to be far more accessible than the PSone original, so can't wait for this!

    The PSP's also getting a port of the PSone game and there's plans for more 'Ivalice Alliance' games in the future. Square Enix may be the kings of milking at the moment, but as long as the quality's there (which it IS) then I certainly have no complaints!

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    This looks amazing. I have yet to complete the first game. Need to train more.

    wow that looks pretty good! Smilie

    I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

    I have to agree going by them screenshots this game looks impressive, so bright and colourful.
    By the way can someone actually tell me how many FF games are coming to DS? because I swear there is loads.

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