Nintendo Wii Media | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - First Shots

By Adam Riley 06.04.2007 15

Electronic Arts has unveiled the first Wii specific screenshots of the highly anticipated Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. According to reports, the game will be almost identical to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions in terms of content, with the exception of the Wii controller being used for spells in this iteration, as well as for other certain sequences. The game is set for a Summer 2007 release and you can see the screenshots in the media folder below.

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Box art for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix





3D Platformer



C3 Score

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (5 Votes)

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This game could have so much potential if EA really worked hard on it. Seriously, I can see the Wiimote being a perfect wand.

e: removed possibly offensive comment

( Edited on 06.04.2007 15:18 by dojo )

Looks fairly decent...I hope they'll be using the remote appropriately with it, it could be a game that really benefits from it.

Definately a game that will benefit from the Wiimote. I'd even buy it if the control is used well. I think EA are getting to grips with it now though. SSX Blur sounds like it uses it well Smilie

Fucking EA!!! What a wasted opportunity, the wiimote is not going to be put to good use if its running off the xbox360 versions.

The graphics are not too bad though.

( Edited on 06.04.2007 16:20 by Z )

its nice to see something more than just the ps2 game. nice also that ea are trying with the wii.

So, there will be Wiimote-controlled wand waving, then. Quite possibly the least imaginative use of the Wiimote so far. And the rest of the game is a straight port. Great. I expected nothing more from EA, really.

Screwing the rules since 1989.

i dont like it.... but ive never liked Harry Potter....

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Balladeer said:
So, there will be Wiimote-controlled wand waving, then. Quite possibly the least imaginative use of the Wiimote so far. And the rest of the game is a straight port. Great. I expected nothing more from EA, really.

Well, it depends on how they use the "wand". If you just whip it around to make your currently selected spell go off (instead of pushing a button), then yeah, that would be lame.

But, if they made you wave your wand different ways to cast different spells, that would be kind of neat, I think. Smilie

i.e., wave your wand in a circle to cast "fireball", wave it in a square to cast "wall of force", wave it in a spiral to cast "Hypnotize", etc. (note: I'm not a big Harry Potter fan so I don't know any of the real names of the spells they cast...but I was an FRPG geek for at least 20 years Smilie)

That would be something they could easily add in using that tool that Nintendo announced a while ago (I forget the name, some kind of gesture recognition library). So, that would let EA keep the development time down for the port and still add in something unique for the Wii.

I love this.
We are getting the same game as the Xbox360/PS3 only with Wii specific controlls and people STILL complain gezz.

You cant please people whatever you do.
Either its;

"oh..we are getting a lame version while the other consoles get the propery version!!"

or its

"why arnt they making a wii version!!"


" Quite possibly the least imaginative use of the Wiimote so far."

Lets be glade Lucas hasnt done a Lightsaber game too.
That would surely suck.

[/roll eyes]

Personaly a refined version of the black and white style spell system would be very good, imo.
Especialy if the spell intensity is based on how well you "cast" it. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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EA: "Fucking up everything". It's their new slogon. The graphics will probably be good, but the game, I have 1k riding on it being wank.

Enoch Powell was right, and you know it.

aHhHHHHHHHHH!! I can't wait for this!! It's like a Harry Potter fanatics dream!!!

1 thing i hated about the Harry Potter games was the wand waving sections, it was just annoying to do it on a control pad/mouse. The Wiimote should take care of that allowing more freedom and efficiency in wand waving.

Oh god, I can actually do the Wingardium Leviosa movement. *tears of joy*

Vyse said:
EA: Fucking up everything. Its their new slogon.
You're thinking of Ubisoft. EA have actually been alright recently. SSX Blur is supposed to be pretty good, as are whatever sports games they've made, though I couldn't care less about those...

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Ubi make much better games on average then EA, however, Ubisoft has been doing lots of rather cheap Wii ports that is hurting their rep. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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