Nintendo Wii News | Sega Dominates Virtual Console in Europe This Week (6th April, 2007)

By Adam Riley 05.04.2007 9

With tomorrow being Good Friday, Nintendo has announced the new set of Virtual Console games for Europe on the Wii a little bit earlier than usual. For those expecting Lylat Wars on the N64 to be included, prepare to be disappointed. Sega fans, though, should be very happy as a trio of games are coming from the company:

Pinball with a Sonic twist hits Wii's Virtual Console this week as Sonic Spinball becomes available to download. As Dr.Eggman (AKA Dr.Robotnik) takes over Mt. Mobius, turning it into a mechanical base, Sonic must thwart Dr.Eggman's plans by causing a volcanic eruption by removing the Chaos Emeralds used to pacify the firey mountain. Featuring four large tables, players must negotiate the elaborate Pinball Defence System, destroying the fortress from the inside out! Sonic Spinball launches this week for 800 Wii Points.

Fans this week will also get the chance to travel to the land of Oasis once again as action-adventure The Story of Thor returns on Wii's Virtual Console. Players take control of Prince Ali as he discovers a buried gold armlet, once belonging to an ancient wizard bestowing upon him the ability to summon four spirits. Prince Ali must call all the spirits to his aid and stop a similar silver armlet being used for evil. The Story of Thor is now available to download for 800 Wii points.

If two 90s classic Sega games are not enough, how about a third? Head into the future and restore peace to Earth as VECTORMAN hits Wii's Virtual Console. The year is 2049 and the human inhabitants of Earth have left the planet to colonise another, leaving behind mechanical Orbots to clean up their mess. But when the Orbot leader, Warhead, blows a few circuits, it causes a war amongst the robots left behind - enter our hero VECTORMAN. With the ability to Morph into various forms, players can change VECTORMAN into everything from a speeding train to a power drill, mechanical fish or even mighty dune buggy in their mission to defeat Warhead. VECTORMAN can be yours to own for 800 Wii Points.

This brings the total list of classic games up to that wonderful figure of 69.

Be sure to stick with C3 for further updates...

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Oh man I hope we get Vector man over here on Monday!

VECTOR MAN! It'll be a GOOD friday for you luck bunch!

I've got both Vectormans on Sonic Gems Collection. IMO They're okay but get very boring and repetitive. Great graphics though.

Uh oh i'm expecting outrage from starfox fans!

I hated Sonic Spinball. Boring as hell, don't think I ever got past the second stage. Can't believe IGN gave it a higher score than Streets of Rage.

jesusraz said:
This brings the total list of classic games up to that wonderful figure of 69.


what about Alex Kidd? Smilie



I want my Lylat Wars!


by the way Vectroman good game!!

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