Nintendo News | Brothers in Arms Announced for Wii / DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.04.2007 9

Ubisoft and Gearbox Software have officially announced that the Brothers in Arms series will be heading to the Wii and DS later this year.

The Wii version, Double Time, takes the WWII franchise to Nintendo's motion console with all the action, story elements and authenticity that has driven the series in the past. Players take the role of Matt Baker and Joe Hartsock and lead their squads behind enemy lines through the Normandy invasion.

Airborne Infantry battles of D-Day are accurately recreated using historical reports and artifacts to create an accurate represenation of what went down. To do this, players use the Wiimote to perform military action and command their units.

The DS version, Brothers in Arms DS, has been designed ground-up for the DS with touch screen, stylus controls to aim and control units. Players can drive vehicles, use a wide range of weaponry - from bazookas to grebades and relive the intensity of war through 16 missions in three varied campaigns - from Normandy to North Africa and Ardennes.

Multiplayer battles, including regular and team play, are avaliable in 4 player local wireless.

Thanks to WorthPlaying for the tip.

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awsome Smilie i like!

Looks pretty good, the DS shots look snazzy Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Those DS screens look pretty damm decent. Hopefully it supports single cart multiplayer.

The DS version is looking quite good visually. Sounds like heaps of fun.

Yes! more shooters for Wii.

I bought Brothers in Arms Earned in Blood for PC and it was a load of shit.

Buggy and with poor graphics and bad performance to go along with it.

DS one better be good.

Hope the Wii version looks good and plays properly. Unlike call of duty 3

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Quality graphics for a DS game.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Is the Wii version a port?

Those DS graphics look great.Smilie

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