Industry | Bye Bye Acclaim

By Ross Morley 23.06.2003 1

Acclaim Leave the GameCube
So What’s the Story?

Acclaim Games has announced that it will no longer be releasing titles for the Nintendo GameCube. They made no comment as to why this is their decision, but the only reason that can be deemed possible is that Acclaim are struggling and believe that releasing titles for the GameCube could see the death of them. The following projects will survive being canned and will be released as expected: Legends Of Wrestling III (spring 2004), Urban Freestyle Soccer (November 2003) and Extreme G: Racing Association (22 August 2003).

After being confronted with the cold fact that developers are abondoning them, Nintendo claimed that they make up for this with new companies signing up to support the GameCube all the time. They also argue (and most will agree) that the titles being canned are usually not of particular interest to the gaming community anyway.

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