Nintendo Media | Brunswick Pro Bowling - First Shots

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.03.2007 14

Crave have released a selection of sizzling new shots from the upcoming Brunswick Pro Bowling game for Wii, for those looking for more balls action in their lives.

The game aims to give players a complete bowling experience, using the Wii remote to control every strike and spare. Players build up a career, take home ranks/status and share their balls with up to three different friends in a multiplayer frenzy.

The first shots from what looks like an absolutely un-gorgeous PSP port can be seen below:

Be sure to look through the game's screens collection below for more exciting shots...

Box art for Brunswick Pro Bowling








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Dear god that's bad...

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

OMG the first pic it looks like the bowling ball is pictured tot he floor....Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

The only thing that looks like any efforts been put into is the interface, the rest looks like recycled assets..

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

You gotta be a company with big balls to make a game like this & face the Nintendo fan community *cracks knuckles*

haha, I made a ball joke. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

wii bowling >This pile of crap

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

His trousers look like they have been made out of some type of green Putty/Play Doh.

As for the rest of the game I can't see it being any better than Wii Sports Bowling. Sure this has a more realistic approach through human characters, but I doubt it will be any better in physics.

You'd think a specialised sport game would improve in every way on the mini game on Wii Sports. Wii Bowling is DEFINITELY tons better than this, & I havn't even played it.

The fact they havn't bothered to put as much graphical quality in it as a demo launch game is enough to show that. Wii Sports FTW.

Hopefully, there will be a proper Bowling game one day that will blow Wii Bowling away, but for the moment it'll be a while.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Those screenshots just made me laugh.

As long as it is just as good/better than Wii Bowling in terms of bowling, I'll be happy.

I've never understood what people think when they try to create a realistic-looking sim of something you can actually do in real life. What's the point? I say make it look as unrealistic as possible, and not even TRY to make realistic looking characters (and fail badly at that).

Its not like I was hyping this anyway. Even if it had the best graphics, I would still not get it.

Why does almost every third party Wii game look like shite?

It's absurd.

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 

LOL!This sux
Well back o the topic
The graphics are stupid totally
SmilieAnd the ball looks like a un-moved image.
Even miniclip makes better flash bowling games!!!
Well i give the first impression/10 (0.0000001/10)

( Edited on 25.03.2007 13:48 by Napster )

Edit funny quotes:

more balls action in their lives.
Be sure to look through the game's screens collection below for more exciting shots...

( Edited on 25.03.2007 13:50 by Napster )

My Life & blog: Random Thoughts, Photos, stuff, videos and links

Could be a laugh, but then, you get a bowling game with the machine don't you? Therefore, it's really quite pointless and silly for a company to make another one. It won't sell, because everyone who has a Wii already has a bowling game. Let's face it folks, it's not like having a Street Fighter and a Tekken in your collection, you only need one fucking bowling game.

Bowling is shite anyway.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

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