Nintendo Interview | Sega Talks Virtua Fighter Kids on Wii, Plus VC Support

By Adam Riley 22.03.2007 7

In a new interview over on Kikizo, Sega's AM2 division veteran Makoto Osaki and conversion designer Tohru Murayama spoke about all things Virtua Fighter related. In the interview, the question of bringing older Virtua Fighter games to the Virtual Console was brought up, as well as the possibility of Virtua Fighter Kids 2 on Wii. Below are some choice quotes:

Kikizo: Looking at Sega Ages series, you must be aware that re-releases of older games can prove very popular. Services like Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Store and Wii Virtual Console are taking this opportunity further - so how about some perfect remakes of VF1, VF2 or especially VF3? Or perhaps other Model 1/2/3 titles too?

Makoto Osaki: The major point here is that there needs to be loads of demand from the players. If there is a place of business in it, there would be no reason to hesitate to develop remakes, but I believe this matter should be determined after more elaborate research.

Kikizo: Finally... how about a Virtua Fighter Kids 2 for the Wii?

Makoto Osaki: I personally have not thought about this combination! If the market demands it, and it can work in a business sense, it could be taken up as an object for consideration.

Be sure to check out the full interview here and share your thoughts below.

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Well I have never played any of those games (and are ashamed to say I've not heard of them either). But the more VC games the better!

I remember Virtua Fighter Kids on Saturn. Excellent game it was. Smilie

I saw Virtua Fighter once. But there were no kids involved. So I do not know that in particular.

to sum up: "If it sells, we will do it!"

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

I think we should start to send Sega some e-mails then Smilie
if they make VFkids for wii it would be awsome!! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Can't we just have the normal Virtua Fighter? Why would you want characters with massive heads?

Actually... Since when did kids have enormous heads?

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

VF:Kids was a quirky lil' game, not bad though - quite liked it! Have lost my copy to the mysteries of my house though, right shame!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Ok course it makes business sense!!! Just do it!!

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