Japanese Nintendo News | Capcom Wii Exclusive, New DS Gundam & More...

By Adam Riley 14.03.2007 8

The latest batch of news from Famitsu magazine in Japan has been uncovered showing lots of DS updates, plus an exclusive Wii adventure from Capcom! First up is news that Bandai Namco is bringing a new DS SRPG to the market on 31st May under the name of SD Gundam G Generation Cross Drive. The first scan of the game can be seen here. Next is confirmation that Koei's Opoona (reported on here) will hit Japan during the summer of this year. In addition, Sega is bringing a third Mushiking title to the DS 'Mushiking Super Collection', which will include a card reader so players can actually use their card collection in the game, rather like the company tried with Love and Berry Collection.

Finally, the big revelation is that Capcom has an exclusive Wii project underway called 'Treasure Island Z'. It is an adventure game with puzzle solving included and so far appears to be just what fans of Monkey Island et al have been waiting for as you need to use the Wii controller to help the lead character (a trainee pirate) to solve the puzzles you meet along the way on your quest to find treasure. The game is being directed by Eiichirou Sasaki of biohazard Outbreak 1 and 2 fame, produced by Hironobu Takeshita and has a distinctly 'cute' appearance to it. The first image can be seen here: Treasure Island Z Scan (Thanks to Jonnyram).

As well as all that, a new list of forthcoming random DS games has been revealed:

  • THE Driving School
  • THE Crime Scene Investigator 2
  • How To Write & Speak Beautiful Japanese
  • Train Your Brain Power With Numbers
  • Koenji Girls' Soccer 2
  • Killing Kung Fu Kanji Dragon
  • Juushinden
  • Chuukana Janshi Tenho Painyan
  • And, to wrap things up, here are review scores from Famitsu:

  • Crayon Shin-chan (NDS, Banpresto): 7,6,8,8 - 29/40
  • Bomberman Story (NDS, Hudson): 7,6,7,7 - 27/40
  • Dragonball Z Harukanaru Goku Densetsu (NDS, Bandai Namco): 6,6,7,8 - 27/40
  • Negima!?: Chou Mahora Taisen Kattoiin, Keiyaku Shikkou Dechai Masuu (NDS, Marvelous Interactive): 7,5,6,6 - 24/40
  • Eyeshield 21 (Wii, Nintendo): 6,6,6,6 - 24/40
  • Stick with Cubed3 for further updates...

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    Guest 14.03.2007#1


    That pirate adventure game looks really interesting. Nice to see they are releasing another Mushiking, those games seem to be very popular in Japan.

    Those scores are quite low, can't expect much looking at the game list honestly.

    The pirate game - as it is no Monkey Island - looks quite good graphically. A bit like Dragon Quest 8. Hope is has decent gameplay...

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    hay, Im all for Adventure Games on the Wii, but that sounds a bit TOO close to Monkey Island :p

    oh well, see how it turns out.

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    Eyeshield 21 (Wii, Nintendo): 6,6,6,6 - 24/40 heh

    woohooo finally about time CAPCOM an exclusive Smilie it sounds awsome and it has a pirate on it!! Smilie just saw the pictures it looks good!

    "How To Write & Speak Beautiful Japanese" i hope this comes to Europe Smilie i owuldnt mind learning a few japanese words!

    I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

    I would like the Negima to get a translation, but I kind of doubt that it will.

    Temporarily banned until further notice.

    Will it have insults!? Sword fighting!? MONKEYS!? DRAGONBALLS!!?!?!?

    Actually... Maybe not that last one >.>

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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