By Adam Riley 13.03.2007
I agree it does bode well for SEGA and the future Sonic titles, as well as the others inc SMBall, if this continues i wonder if Nintendo will give the FZERO title to them again, as much as i love GX i would prefer it if they keep the title inhouse. LS
( Edited on 13.03.2007 14:43 by Linkyshinks )
Sonic Wii rocks, thats why.
Best Sonic in a LONG time.
Personaly, Id rather AC do FZero as I loved GX and thought it evolved the game more then the difference Nintendo did between Nes and Snes.
Needs a track editor and a random track, however.
Zelda should be near 1:1 with Wii sales, however.
I dont like it dropping.
( Edited on 13.03.2007 15:10 by Darkflame )
really? I am so glad. You got me: I will get this Sonic asap!
Go, Sega! You have the rights to earn respect AND money with a Sonic game.
Sonic has only sold well because its a mediocre title amongst a load of crap for the Wii and nothing else better than it has come out...
I hate to say that I agree, but... I agree. A lack of killer aps. since TP has meant that the whiney American hedgehog has taken an ill-deserved place in the charts.
Thats preety good for Sonic 3rd Place, since alot of people here are saying the game is crap
Wii Play returns at No.17
A lot of Wii Play stock will have gone over to the US as well to cope with demand after it only launched recently there.
By the way, big new releases on Friday included: Phoenix Wright: Justice for All, Tiger Woods 07 on Wii, as well as SSX Blur. It'll be very interesting to see how those three fare on Monday...especially PW, considering the first game bombed hard early last year over here.