Nintendo DS News | SimCity DS Details & Western Date

By James Temperton 28.02.2007 8

Electronic Arts announced today that the SimCity franchise is returning with SimCity DS, developed especially for the Nintendo DS platform. God knows why it took them until today to announce it, but it is jolly nice of them to do so. In addition to creating and growing their very own pocket sized city while being on-the-go, players will be able to leverage the unique action features of the Nintendo DS system, discovering an entirely new way to play this internationally acclaimed franchise. The product will make its debut to consumers worldwide in summer of this year.

True to the SimCity series, players will be able to create and control their city in the palm of their hands...and much more.

Maximising the stylus and built-in microphone controls of the Nintendo DS, SimCity DS brings to the franchise like never before the feeling of personal involvement with your city

Box art for SimCity DS








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European release date Q2 2007   North America release date Q2 2007   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Q2 2007   

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From other articles it looks like this one will bring back the old school flavor that I could only find in the SNES Sim City, the others just couldn't capture the same feel, well heres to hoping!

they took their bloody time didnt they!! anyway good news!!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Good to see it's finally confirmed for a Western release. By the way, it sold ~50,000 units in its first week of release in Japan (launched last Thursday).

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Oh the games I am going to buy this year...

Sim City 2000 can only go so far...

from blowing into the microphone to put out fires

Which retard thought of that?

( Edited on 28.02.2007 21:43 by Grumblezorz )

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Grumbler said:
Sim City 2000 can only go so far...
from blowing into the microphone to put out fires
Which retard thought of that?( Edited on 28.02.2007 21:43 by Grumblezorz )

The retard that actually has a job in the games industry and influences a large amount of people, deciding what they'll do to their DSes when they buy the game.

That "retard". Smilie

I actually think the blowing out fires sounds okay. Yeah, it seems a bit gimmicky, but anything that gets you more involved in a fun way is okay to me. Besides, if you feel like an idiot blowing into the mic, I'm sure they'll provide button support like MK did.

At the least I'll give it a try before I dismiss it.

( Edited on 01.03.2007 17:17 by Jacob4000 )

Jacob4000 said:
I actually think the blowing out fires sounds okay. Yeah, it seems a bit gimmicky, but anything that gets you more involved in a fun way is okay to me.

Yeah, it won't really add to the game but it can't hurt.

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