Nintendo Media | Super Paper Mario Wii Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.02.2007 46

Nintendo have released a selection of new shots from Mario's latest adventure, Super Paper Mario Wii, where our favorite Mushroom Kingdom hero takes on Bowser's evil forces once again.

The platform/roleplaying game in in development by Intelligent Systems and has recently been fully defected to the Wii. Once again Paper mario combines classic 2D side scrolling gameplay with free roaming 3D and RPG elements.

Nintendo recently released a selection of fresh shots in Famitsu, take a gander at Mario's latest adventure below.

Super Paper Mario hits stores in the US on April 9th.

More shots can be found in the screen's album below.

Box art for Super Paper Mario

Intelligent Systems




3D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (62 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Guest 21.02.2007#1

I hope there are loads of new levels, seeing world 1-1 and 1-2 again makes me cry.

Lovely, cannot wait, it looks full of classic Nintendo charm and looks like it will play as well as the classic Mario platformers of the past with a few welcome twists here and there.

Hope it comes here soon after, I m actually glad it has come to the Wii and in turn a eventual larger audience.LS ( DK Bongo Blast also )

Looks brilliant. The first great Wii game! ^_^

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

I still haven't had any chance to pick up the first Paper Mario... And I didn't pick the second one either.

This makes me want these games badly Smilie. But Super Paper Mario probably won't touch my hands, since I do not own the Wii.

Which of the two Paper Mario is the best?

According to IGN it's still unconfirmed as to whether it will utilise the Wiimote, and Famistu don't drop any hints.

Anyways looks great, it has been referred to on NeoGAF as the second coming of Jesus Smilie Sooo true.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."
Guest 21.02.2007#6

sknot said:
I still havent had any chance to pick up the first Paper Mario... And I didnt pick the second one either.This makes me want these games badly Smilie. But Super Paper Mario probably wont touch my hands, since I do not own the Wii.Which of the two Paper Mario is the best?

Well, I have only played the intro of Paper Mario on the N64, but I nearly finished Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door and I think it is a really great game, full of humour. It has some superb locations too, like the forest with the punies and twilight town. In fact, it is one of my favourite games on the GC. You need to play that one at least.

This looks like a fantastic game. But it's not going to be an RPG like the other ones, is it? I personally loved the RPG feel to those Mario games (Paper Mario's and the Mario and Luigi hand held games), I hope losing that element won't alter the whole games feel so much. As long as its as charming and funny as the other ones, I guess it's ok.

Is there a solid UK release date yet?

awsome cant wait for tis game.. it looks so fun to lpay! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Well Bart, you convinced me, next time I see it I'll buy it if it costs less than 30

Guest 21.02.2007#10

sknot said:
Well Bart, you convinced me, next time I see it Ill buy it if it costs less than 30

Looks great so far, a deffinate must have. I just hope they still come out with a regular Paper Mario, or at least another Mario RPG game, I love those crazy RPGs.

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

Bart. said:
sknot said:Well Bart, you convinced me, next time I see it Ill buy it if it costs less than 30

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Its a good time to be a Nintendo fanboy!

MSN: [email protected]
Xbox Live Gamertag: Steve Vice
Nintendo Wii Friend Code: 0662 4893 5734 8819
Guest 21.02.2007#14

Faust said:
Bart. said:
sknot said:Well Bart, you convinced me, next time I see it Ill buy it if it costs less than 30

I preferred the original PM to the second. I think they over did the dialogue.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Paper Mario was fun, but only for short amounts of time, and only then because the battle system was almost as good as Superstar Saga's. Thank God this isn't an RPG >_>

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Apparently the Butterfly in the game has vanished by all accounts Smilie, shame i am a sucker for such novel pointers systems. LS

Image for

What relevance does that picture have? And more importantly, WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THAT!?!? O.o

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society



Language, you immature little person.

I want this game very much indeed, although I would prefer an RPG to a platformer. Mario's new skill looks like the turning onto the road to innovation in the 2D platformer genre.

Screwing the rules since 1989.

looks good

My Wii Code - 2986 1627 6438 2084

Hulkamania said:
According to IGN its still unconfirmed as to whether it will utilise the Wiimote, and Famistu dont drop any hints.Anyways looks great, it has been referred to on NeoGAF as the second coming of Jesus Smilie Sooo true.

You did not read Nintendo Power right? Or are you from the UK?

It dose use the Wiimote. You hold it sideways and there is accleration and pointer function programmed into the game.

Oh you're from America...that explains a lot.

"Language, you immature little person."

Swearing is immature? Fuck, I better stop. oops...

Anyway, this game is looking great Smilie

The deleted your post and reposted it?

And I also don't understand your post....

( Edited on 21.02.2007 21:53 by knighty )

Looks like its set to continue Paper Mario's own unique style.

Can't wait to get it!

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