Nintendo News | Mario Kart Arcade Sequel Hits Japan

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.02.2007 19

Quick News: The sequel top the fairly popular Mario Kart Arcade has hit Japanese streets recently, according to IGN. The game is an update to the original, running on the same hardware, and features a few visual enhancements, extra characters (including Namco's Tamagotchi), weapons and new tracks to race on.

Thanks to C3's Hulkmania for the tip.

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Yes i have seen pics of the new improved machines as well as a few screens elsewhere, by all accounts it looks like a improvement on the first machine, however i have never been really been happy about Namco getting the title in the first place, even despite their obvious specialization in the field of arcade machines.

I sincerly hope Nintendo do not use this game no matter how good it is, as some sort of foundation framework that the Wii game should follow. LS

( Edited on 17.02.2007 14:10 by Linkyshinks )

Is this it?

( Edited on 17.02.2007 14:36 by jb )

{ Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }

I didn't know this

counted as a character.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Smilie the first one was awsome... i havent played it but from the videos it looked awsome! So this is probably more awsome than he first one... awsome x awsome = awsomeness!! (dont know if that is a word or not!)

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Is this sort of like the GC one?

Hi Sexy!!! said:
Smilie the first one was awsome... i havent played it but from the videos it looked awsome! So this is probably more awsome than he first one... awsome x awsome = awsomeness!! (dont know if that is a word or not!)

Well seeing as awsome is not a word, I highly doubt it. Maybe awesome x awesome = awesomeness though Smilie

( Edited on 17.02.2007 16:37 by Yoshidude )

Nintendo release it in Europe, please!!!!

It would make me visit an arcade for the first time in years.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Namco Bandai's tamagotchi.

The Tamagotchi isn't Namco's, it's Bandai's, but since the companies are now merged, it's not Namco's or Bandai's, it's Namco Bandai's Smilie

I wonder if this'll ever make it to Britain? & if so, will I ever see one with my own two eyes? Never played the original, which is a damn shame, I woulda loved to.

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Grumbler said:
I didnt know thiscounted as a character.

They obviously mean:
Image for

And if you can't see the similarity between that character and this:

Image for

You obviously have absolutely no imagination whatsoever.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Oh I played that so many times when I was in Philippines!! I have a card and all!! It's actually kind of hard...especially drifting...

I played this a few times at my local arcade, it was great fun. Wooo i want to play as a Tamagotchi.

I am sorry guys, but the Mario Kart Arcade sucks really bad.

Z said:
I am sorry guys, but the Mario Kart Arcade sucks really bad.

How do you know? Have you played them?

the first one was pretty good

Yoshidude said:
Hi Sexy!!! said:Smilie the first one was awsome... i havent played it but from the videos it looked awsome! So this is probably more awsome than he first one... awsome x awsome = awsomeness!! (dont know if that is a word or not!)
Well seeing as awsome is not a word, I highly doubt it. Maybe awesome x awesome = awesomeness though Smilie( Edited on 17.02.2007 16:37 by Yoshidude )

If I'd said that somebody would've kicked off Smilie

Yeah I thought I'd just do a Dojo Smilie

I remember reading something in NGamer magazine where if you won a race, you had to pay to continue to the next on Mario Kart Arcade GP.

That is the problem with arcade games - they act as a black hole for small coins.

Screwing the rules since 1989.

Metroid said:
Z said:I am sorry guys, but the Mario Kart Arcade sucks really bad.
How do you know? Have you played them?

hes right it does suck. the first time i played it, i really tried to give it a chance i put it's flaws down to my n00bness... but every time after i just realise its just crap.

not nearly as fun as MKSmilieD multiplayer, so unless the gameplay has improved ten-fold, the it will still only be average at best. sorrySmilie

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