Nintendo News | Rare Set to Bring Kameo or Viva Pi

By Adam Riley 13.02.2007 44

Following the release of Rare's N64 port of Diddy Kong Racing to the Nintendo DS, Microsoft has gone on record hinting about the company's future output. Despite Rare actually parting company with Nintendo and being bought out by Microsoft completely in 2002, the Twycross outfit has released three Donkey Kong Country GBA ports, plus It's Mr. Pants, Banjo Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge, SabreWulf and Banjo Pilot on the handheld since that time. On top of this, the US has just seen the release of the UK team's first DS game, a port of the N64 fan-favourite, Diddy Kong Racing.

Now, Microsoft's Corporate Vice President the Game Studios Division, Shane Kim, has spoken about the company's future. Talking about the company's new IP Viva Pi

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So does this mean Microsoft aren't making their own handheld?

Thats great news - Rare used to be awesome!
Don't like them as much now since they moved to MS.

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

They were shit before they moved to MS, that is why nintendo sold them.

NOOOOOOO! Bring Kameo too the Wii!!! Oh least its making it in some form to Ninty.

Enoch Powell was right, and you know it.

I want Kameo too, I thought it looked interesting. I doubt that would happen though, since Wii is competing with xbox360

I want Viva Pi

{ Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }

keep it, Rare. lol 'bigger than pokemon' ...whatever. Feel the unsuccess of it all.

I still think its strange that Microsoft allow them to do this, or futhermore want them to do this. I guess if you can get ppl to like the DS version they might go out and buy a 360 and its counterpart game?

Rarer was losing its magic when it was sold to MS then it completely lost it when most of the key members all left the sinking ship, whats left of rare isn't very good.

Still though either one of those "360 exclusives"(lol) on Ds would be great.

Microsoft has no reveal for the DS, so they might as well publish on it, simple as that. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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It was more or less expected that Rare would be making DS games, the idea of having Kameo/Viva Pinata is new. Very good news anyway, hopefully they'll be completely new versions that take advantage of the DS hardware, Rare's GBA games were excelent.

rare were better in the snes days
now they're just shit
i wouldn't mind killer instincts on the ds though

I wouldn't mind seeing Viva Pi


Viva Pi

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Viva Pinata was terrible, don't particluarly want that shite on the DS, nor to be honest a Kameo game either.

Would like a Banjo adventure akin to those on the N64.

Though wouldn't hold to much hope for whatever game they make, they apparently have seemed to balls up Diddy Kong Racing DS. Smilie IDIOTS.

( Edited on 13.02.2007 16:26 by Hulkamania )

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Kameo is shit.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

It pisses me off when people associate Rare's downfall with Microsoft. It was Nintendo's fault with a succession of events such as conkers.

Grumblezorz said:
Kameo is shit.

I thought that as well but apparently Kellerman and Oni think it's pretty good. Smilie but they would say that.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Viva Pinata has been getting good reviews and Im sure it will be one of the first games that I pick up when I get a 360.
Judging from the reviews of Rares latest games I wouldnt say that they are a shit developer, they've just lost their sparkle. They make good games but nothing extraordinary which is good enough for me.

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

C3 Lynx Promoter said:
I still think its strange that Microsoft allow them to do this, or futhermore want them to do this.
Same here, Rare are meant to be a 2nd Party, they're not doing a very good job at it. Especially since Kameo & Viva Pinata are 360 exclusives...

In any case, Kameo looked interesting, it might work quite well as a DS Adventure.

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I wouldn't mind either of those games, but both need 3D and I can't stand shitty 3D... I don't think they could look good enough on a DS

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

we all now that these games will sell better on the DS then they will on x360... so thats why they bringing them to DS!

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Grumblezorz said:
Kameo is shit.

Your powers of elaboration know no bounds Smilie...Smilie

Oh, how I hope. *crosses fingers* Goldeneye 007, Perfect Dark, Jet Force Gemini, Blast Corps, Killer Instinct, Banjo-Kazooie, BRING THEM ALL TO DS!!!!! *starts laughing maniacally*

In all seriousness, Rare's staff started trickling out the door prior to MS's buy out. Once they were acquired by Microsoft, though, the flood gates were open and just about everyone left. Even the Stamper brothers have departed from Rare now. Yikes! :O

Chance favors the prepared mind.

knighty said:
It pisses me off when people associate Rares downfall with Microsoft. It was Nintendos fault with a succession of events such as conkers.

Hardly, Nintendo had to fix a number of Rare titles before they were released. Thats not to say that they are a bad developer its just that Nintendo would spend time fine tunning their games. Take a look at the games released during the N64s lifetime. Many of them were delayed as Nintendo needed to fix them up. Banjo Kazooie was delayed 6 months right before release, thats a prime example.

So when Rare moved to Microsoft they lost the additional support that Nintendo gave. Which turned them from a uber game developer to a great gae developer and Nintendo knew this.

In anycase this sounds like great news. Altho I'd rather an FPS or KI. But its still great news.

No. Rare lost most of its good developers to Free Radical. This was long before the transfer.

( Edited on 14.02.2007 00:20 by knighty )

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