Industry News | Miyamoto Receives

By Phil Beveridge 12.02.2007 7

It has been announced that at this year's Game Developers Conference in March, the one and only Shigeru Miyamoto will be picking up a special honour. Due to his constant contributions to the gaming industry, and creating such memorable games and franchises such as Mario, Zelda, and Donkey Kong, Miyamoto will be picking up the coveted 'Lifetime Achievement Award', which has been nominated and voted for by other professionals in the game industry. Now in its seventh year, this particular award has been won previously by the likes of Sega's Yuji Naka, and Gunpei Yokoi, inventor of the Nintendo Gameboy.

"This year's recipients of the Game Developers Choice Award special honours reflect the dramatic impact of their visionary creations and industry work," says Jamil Moledina, Executive Director of the Game Developers Conference, in a statement. "Our four honourees are each responsible for inspiring the industry to creative heights through personal example and challenging conventional wisdom."

Other recipients of awards this coming conference are Tetris creator Alexey Pajitnov, receiving the First Penguin Award for "diving headfirst into unknown territory", audio composer George "The Fatman" Sanger being awarded the Community Contribution Award for his work in the music and sound design field, and Greg Costikyan, founder of the indie game retailer Manifesto Games winning the Maverick Award.

The awards will be given on Wednesday 7th March at this year's annual Game Developers Conference, with the awards themselves being presented by Tim Schafer, owner of the popular development studio Double Fine Productions.

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Probably my favorite man in the industry Smilie
This is [insert made up flashy word here]-icously well deserved

( Edited on 12.02.2007 22:58 by Steve Vice )

MSN: [email protected]
Xbox Live Gamertag: Steve Vice
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audio composer George

Do you think he'll be putting that on his Lifetime Achievement shelf, or will there not be any room left?

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society


Go on, my son. Have it. Large. Etc.


Oni-Ninja said:
Go on, my son. Have it. Large. Etc.

SmilieSmilieSmilie Starred!

woohooo well done Shigsy!! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

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