Nintendo News | Adventure Genre Revived on DS

By Adam Riley 07.02.2007 9

Following the pleasing revival of the adventure genre of Nintendo's DS portable platform, it seems more companies are ready to jump on the bandwagon - the latest example being Majesco, bringing a new Nancy Drew game.

Hot on the heels of Another Code, Phoenix Wright, Touch Detective and, more recently, the truly fantastic Hotel Dusk: Room 215, plus the forthcoming Undercover: Dual Motives, we are now set to get a new Nancy Drew adventure. Here is Majesco's official line:

The world's most recognisable teen sleuth unravels an interactive mystery in Nancy Drew: The Deadly Secret of Olde World Park, a new game for the Nintendo DS from Majesco Entertainment Company. Developed by Gorilla Systems Co. and scheduled for worldwide release later this year, Nancy Drew lets fans become the world's most recognisable teen detective in a Touch Screen based adventure.

"Today's Nancy Drew is a very strong, female lead heroine whose independence and perseverance make her an excellent role model. Our new Nintendo DS game captures the spirit of this classic character and brings Nancy to life in an interactive, graphic novel inspired world."
- Ken Gold, vice president of Marketing.

In Nancy Drew: The Deadly Secret of Olde World Park, players assume the role of the teenage super sleuth as she works to solve the mystery of the missing billionaire, Thaddeus Belmont. Players must collect clues, decipher puzzles, follow suspects, sneak into areas and much more as they use their deductive reasoning skills to progress through 15 increasingly difficult chapters. Touch Screen play is incorporated into unique conversation and unlocking mini-games, but players will also use the stylus in Nancy's Clue Journal to access maps, inventory and tasks.

Sounds good? Well, let us hope so anyway! And if successful, perhaps Revolution Software will decide to bring Broken Sword to the DS as well. You never know!

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After seeing Broken Sword on GBA doing marginally better than anyone could have hoped, I thought BSDS was a dead-cert. I really hope so, anyway Smilie

Nancy Drew'll be cool I suppose. Hopefully it'll sell well to be a catalyst for more sleuthing games (how many times have I used that word in my life Smilie)


I know it's highly unlikely but i'd love it if the Money Island games were ported onto the DS, or even a fresh new installment of the series.

{ Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }

Sounds good and its made by MAJESCO so there is a high chance it will be good!! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Sounds good and its made by MAJESCO so there is a high chance it will be good!!

And an equally high chance of it being shit.

They lost me on:

players assume the role of the teenage super sleuth

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

I want a Monkey Island Sequel

Monkey Island on the DS would rock. Are Lucasarts still friends with Nintendo though? If they are, I'm expecting Rogue Squadron 4 Online as well, some time soon. Now that would rock. Smilie

dojo99 said:
Monkey Island on the DS would rock. Are Lucasarts still friends with Nintendo though? If they are, Im expecting Rogue Squadron 4 Online as well, some time soon. Now that would rock. Smilie
LULZ it would indeed Smilie


Z said:
I want a Monkey Island Sequel

So does everyone, but Lucasarts don't feel like making good game anymore, only repetitive Star Wars games that all seem the same to me.

*edit* Just to prove a point:

Image for

( Edited on 08.02.2007 17:35 by Phil :: CSF )

If I could give stars Phil, I'd give you as many as I could thats just hilarious. Hilarious in a 'Expecting something great outta that is about as likely as George Lucas Skinny by friday" way.

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