Nintendo Media | Sega Reveals Sonic Wii Multiplayer

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.02.2007 37

Sega have released an extended trailer to the one that's hit the web recently, revealing a selection of brand new areas an environments to explore and also the multiplayer aspect in motion with a few familiar faces.

Sonic and the Secret Rings is Sega's exclusive take on their blue mascot for the Wii in his first single-player solo appearance for some time. As previously detailed, Sonic takes on the Arabian Knights to try and fill the missing pages created by a new antagonist.

Thanks to AmazingJanet for the tip. Be sure to stick around for future updates on the world's best blue hedgehog.

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Well I'd rather had midi rather than that shitty song, but otherwise I dunno the stormy night with the waves part looked really cool.

I read in nintendo power that your ALWAYS moving forward there is a "breaks" button that allows you to stop on a dime, but I dunno it really sounds too much like a god damn snowboarding game w/o a proper snowboard.

What pisses me off is that the engine looks pretty solid(although did anyone notice slight hitching in the framerate?) they could have made a good game out of it, instead of this, but I still have a shrivel of hope that it could be good.

( Edited on 01.02.2007 12:19 by Ph00p )

Ph00p said:
Well Id rather had midi rather than that shitty song, but otherwise I dunno the stormy night with the waves part looked really cool.I read in nintendo power that your ALWAYS moving forward there is a breaks button that allows you to stop on a dime, but I dunno it really sounds too much like a god damn snowboarding game w/o a proper snowboard. What pisses me off is that the engine looks pretty solid(although did anyone notice slight hitching in the framerate?) they could have made a good game out of it, instead of this, but I still have a shrivel of hope that it could be good.( Edited on 01.02.2007 12:19 by Ph00p )

One again I have to point out - have you actually rad any fucking previews of the game? Have you seen any decent quality footage and not just youtubed stuff? Have you even read ANYTHING on the game apart from that brake bit in Nintendo Power?

and why the hell are you so obsessed with this snowboard analogy? What the fuck has this game got to do with snowboarding?

arg............I am now officially annoyed for no reason.....

Oi, AmazingJanet - thanks for the preview, but calm down - there's no need to go off on one.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Guest 01.02.2007#4

Pretty cool. IF you turn off the sound. But playing a game with the sound turned down is not fun.

Oh forget about it then.

lets hope that this will be better than the piece of crap released on the 360

stu2509 said:
lets hope that this will be better than the piece of crap released on the 360

lol, Smilie Seems to look better already! Although I would miss the town aspect of it though!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Looks alot better, but what are the awful Mario Party multiplayer games?! Why no fully-fledged versus mode?

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

The multiplayer looks similiar to Mario Party.

This still doesn't interest me in the slightest.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

That still wont beat sonic rush!

I agree that the musics poo. Its so over rated.

One thing I do like the fact its multiplayer. But even then its not that great.



If the put the plinkey plonkey music back I might be interested, until then it's not a sonic game.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

They should get the Sonic Rush team to do the music.
That had fantastic music.

I love the "Sega" wording at the start, however :p

I still think the multiplayer will suck, but the main game looks great...looks nice and diverse. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Looking awesome. Just get rid of the music and put in some Sonic 2 style music. Also, the voice acting is laughable.


I think the music is ok, its similar to the other 3D Sonic games, which I think fits quite well.

It looks good, I'll be buying it. Probably not straight away though, waiting till its cheaper.

Enoch Powell was right, and you know it.

Darkflame said:
They should get the Sonic Rush team to do the music.That had fantastic music.

Yeah that was the guy who did most of the Jet Set radio music, which was immense.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Multiplayer looks cheap and tacky. How about they spend less time on that and more concentrating on making the single player game play nicely.

It looks quite good, but all 3D Sonic games look good. Smilie

Tom Barry [ Reviewer - Editor - Resident Sim-Racer @ ] 


This looks like the greatest game ever made. Ever. Sonic's back. I think. Smilie

Looks like Shadow, Cream, Silver & Blaze have popped up in multiplayer. Meh! I'm not complaining! Blaze is teh awesomezorz!

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I intend to play this with the sound off, with the Sonic and Knuckles soundtrack playing on my laptop in the background... Mushroom Hill and Doomsday Zone FTW

Or at least Open Your Heart... Sonic Adventure's music kicks the shit out of this game's... Sonic Heroes' was pretty crap too <_<

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I thought Sonic Heroes Soundtrack was awesome. One of the best. Maybe not the themes but the levels and bosses were outstanding.

Haven't seen that video yet, probably will sometime soon. Listening to the 1st disk of the Sonic 360 soundtrack right now and I don't want to pause it.

(Why is everything video these days? What ever happened to good old screenshots)

Anyway IMO Sonic music has always been good. There are very few tracks out of the lot I don't like (Lost Jungle for Sonic Heroes would be one of them).

Is it just me or would Sonic look even more awesome if he was green and smoked a cigar?

Ole said:
Is it just me or would Sonic look even more awesome if he was green and smoked a cigar?

And had ginger hair and wore a waist coat and says kiss me i am irish

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

It looks good, I like the idea that it seems to be going back to Sonic's roots somewhat.

And I like the music, reminds me of SA2 somewhat.

Ole said:
Is it just me or would Sonic look even more awesome if he was green and smoked a cigar?

Ole you twat, you've just spoilt Sega's big moment - unveiling the stunning new addition to the Sonic cast-list, Seamus the Hedgehog.

See this thread and this one for Sonic-discussion of the identical variety. Music debate, gameplay, janet getting irritated - it's all there already.

Less posty, more gamey.

Urm, Evil Sonic is green & smokes a cigar. Evil Sonic from the Archie series, his name is Scourge Smilie

But yeah, do you know why the voice acting is like that? That's clearly his Japanese VA. His English VA is Jason Griffith, & that sounds nothing like him. This game will be a lot closer to Japan methinks, since the team who developed Project Rub are making this.

It looks great, I honestly believe that. The music doesn't sound too bad, & besides, most of you have only heard ONE song from this game (the one on that trailer...) We havn't heard much level music, I heard before that the music was going to be more like the Sonic Rush soundtrack.

You'll all see. This will end up to be one of the best 3D Sonic games ever. Unlike that shit, embarrassing new low for Sonic that was released on 360.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

artmonkey said:
Ole said:Is it just me or would Sonic look even more awesome if he was green and smoked a cigar?
Ole you twat, youve just spoilt Segas big moment - unveiling the stunning new addition to the Sonic cast-list, Seamus the Hedgehog.See this thread and this one for Sonic-discussion of the identical variety. Music debate, gameplay, janet getting irritated - its all there already.

Me getting irritated is now a staple of most threads, inlcuding the "happy happy funtime" thread.......

I really spoiled that one when I started mentioning Jesus and lactacting orifices.....

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