Nintendo News | A Telltale Wii Adventure on the Way

By Adam Riley 27.01.2007 7

Following Cubed3's intial report of Telltale Games being interested in Wii development, confirmation of it becoming a reality has now emerged.

According to a new update on Telltale Games' website, the company has made headway with Nintendo to become an official developer on the Wii console. The team is now looking for a Wii Systems Programmer who can migrate core components of D3D based PC game engine to the Wii, implement additional platform specific features, modify and support existing art and production path to accommodate Wii production, as well as contribute to the design and direction of Telltale Technology and products.

But what could they be working on? Clearly after all the initial talk of Sam & Max you would hope that it is definitely in the pipeline, and the fact that Telltale also stipulates under the 'Additional Preferred' section of the position that the applicant must have a 'love of adventure games' is certainly a positive sign.

Definitely good news, especially with the comments from Autumn Moon Entertainment's Bill Tiller (another former LucasArts stalwart from when the company worked on numerous adventure titles) in Cubed3's exclusive interview from late last year:

Keep it locked to Cubed3 for further developments on this news, plus more...

[ Thanks to reader Grumbler for the newstip ]

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Fantastic!! News. This is just what the Wii wants, Sam and Max would be fatnastic but its the genre as a whole that im interested in having on the Wii.

Great news, nice one Grumbler.

Wo33eR ::: Wo33eR.CoM Website :: Cubed-3 :: [ General Writer :: Reveiwer ]

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Wow thats great news, and it seems they already had the their minds made up months ago that it's going to be a Sam and Max game.
Hopfully if somthin does come from them it will help get more games of the same genre on the Wii.

And from a recent follow-up forum chat with Bill Tiller of AME, he re-stated his hopes for A Vampyre Story to come to both the DS and Wii.

Then there's Sproing bringing Undercover: Dual Motives, an adventure game, to the DS in Spring...Great times for adventure fans! Smilie

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I expect once the episodes come to an end on PC they'll put the lot on one disc for the Wii (and possibly 360), makes sense.

It's a shame the Wii will supposedly be a home-brew nightmare (lots of protection against unsigned code), it would be ideal for the scummv emulator.

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

Great news Smilie

The DS and Wii really are suited for the "revival" of adventure games from the PC. Now where's Broken Sword?

Why did they even bother not telling us what the game was...

Either way I can't wait... And I really need to ask whoever it was I knew that had the original Sam and Max if they can finally find it >_>

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

I own almost all of Lucasfilm Games/Lucasarts Adventures on PC up to this day. All bought. *being proud*

It's a dream come true! Not important what's coming to Wii, as long as they start to give us adventures! With Telltale Games and Vampire Story (Which I look forward to!)there are 2 potential hits out there. And when I can choose between PC an Wii I take the latter, because Adventuring in front of TV is more fun - I think. I hope they release all these mentioned games - the ones from jesusraz too. And ScummVM on Wii would be almost as good as on DS - if not better, because now all of the screen fit onto monitor/TV...

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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