Nintendo Rumour | Super Mario Galaxy Delayed? Metroid Online?

By Slydevil 26.01.2007 32

Contrary to popular belief of a spring release, a report on suggests a winter release date for the plumbers first Wii outing.

The tip, aledged to have given birth from an anonymous Nintendo representative, will certainly displease many fans of the popular series who have been waiting patiently for the impressive looking title.

A release between April and June for Metroid Prime: Corruption was also hinted at, additionally that it will feature online play, further fuel on the fire for this persistent rumour. Some consolation perhaps for some disappointing news.

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hmmm... delays are expected for Mario... but i dont think Metroid will have online play... Smilie

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Click Here said:
hmmm... delays are expected for Mario... but i dont think Metroid will have online play... Smilie

I'm hoping it will! I hope it has the same quality singleplayer the previous Metroid Primes had, and the awesome multiplayer of Hunters including more options ofcourse... That'd make the ULTIMATE Metroid PrimeSmilie
And I'm glad Mario is delayed, as far as I know, if Nintendo delays one of it's key franchises it's always for the better...Smilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Mario delayed is expected and could only be good, hopefully - although the Wii really is calling out for a serious killer app.

Metroid would be awesome with online play, there really isn't any excuse not to!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Good grief, Prime Corruption with onlne play? That would be pretty amazing. I suppose they wisened up after people took a liking to the multiplayer in Hunters.

There's still that little matter of those devilish Friend codes, though...

( Edited on 26.01.2007 00:58 by Ishaan )

NOOOO! YES! Too bad about the delay, I was looking forward to planet hopping, Mario platforming fun soon. Oh well, I am liking the April-June release of Corruption and the slightly more probable rumoured online play. I would like to see Hunters style, multiplayer online play, while sustaining that engrossing singleplayer we've all come to know and love.

Just hope it doesn't get delayed too...

Proud United State-ian

He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

Fucking deja vu with every single Nintendo AAA title ever They really take the piss sometime

If the delay is true, i'll be pretty pissed, I hope it's to do more with Miyamoto's perfectionist attributes, rather than shitty business decisions.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.

Metroid prime corruption online ......... passes out.

Mario's delay was inevitable with Paper Mario being confirmed for April.

Seriously though after completing Zelda, i have nothing left to play on the Wii, from a 1player perspective.

Miyamoto and co i suspect perfection with Galaxy.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

HOLY SHIT!! June or April for Metroid Corruption! FTW!!!!! ONLINE PLAY :O !!!! *poops*

Maybe the mario delay is for the best the last one Sunshine wasn't half as nice as Mario 64, hopefully they'll make sure that Galaxy somehow beats the shit out of mario 64 which is a VERY VERY hard feat. Damnit to hell thought a slow tiem for the Wii isn't good.

Wasn't Mario Galaxy supposed to be a launch title? Nintendo can never finish a game on time...

Jacob4000 said:
Wasnt Mario Galaxy supposed to be a launch title? Nintendo can never finish a game on time...

blame Miyamoto and his "upending the tea table".

blame Miyamoto and his "upending the tea table".

*goes to check*
Bah, they've still not translated the last two "Iwata Asks" parts..

Can't wait for Mario.. But I guess I'll have to.

Metroid should be fun, especially on multiplayer, even if I do really suck at FPSs.

( Edited on 26.01.2007 10:07 by Jayenkai ) - Where making games is fun!

It's disappointing to hear that Super Mario Galaxy will be delayed but it wasn't altogether unexpected. I just hope that if there really is a delay the reason isn't due to Miyamoto's "gimmicks".

If anything I was hoping that they'd delay Metroid which would almost certify Nintendo's inclusion of online play, wiiconnect 24 features and such.

Either way I still have Warioware, Sonic and the Secret Rings, Ubi's Prince of Persia Wiimake, tonnes of must play virtual console games not to mention some Gamecube games I've never touched to complete until the Big Guns make their debut on the Wii. Smilie

Are the expected release dates for Europe or the US? Lets hope they try for a worldwide release in a short time scale or you could add on a month or 2 to those dates.

I am a HUGE fan of Metroid, but why everyone is going crazy on the "online" news i dont know.

Nintendo SHOULD give us online for all games, especially Metroid and especially AAA titles.

Im not talking shitty 4 player deathmatch either, that died back on Xbox, i want some Gears of War style story Co-Op, yes its possible if there not lazy.

Nintendo are known for fantastic AAA titles, but if they dont push the boat with Metroid ill be very unhappy.

I want a fantastic story, fantastic progression, full online co-op and fantastic controls, then maybe (just maybe) i can respect Nintendo for a job well done.


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Metroid being released in June might indeed be a bit off due to Matt from IGN stating in his mailbag;

You're probably not going to like anything I could tell you. Survey says that Prime 3 won't see the light of day until - at the least - the end of the second quarter. You've got a good four or five months wait ahead of you, and maybe more if Nintendo decides on a whim to delay the sucker to the holiday season.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

THey couldn't possibly screw up Metroid now... it'd be inexcusible.

Pity about the Mario delay if its true. The games available for the Wii aren't particularily impressive at the minute and they could do with a couple of big releases.

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Am I the only one that really hopes that Metroid is not online? Metroid should always be a single player game, I felt that Hunters was too much of a change of direction for the series. I'm therefore a bit sceptical about the Wii game, and from what I've seen of it I feel that they've moved too far away from the original ideas of the series and made it too much like a first person shooter. I hope I'm proven wrong.

With Mario Galaxy, if it needs to be delayed let it be delayed, better that they don't rush it. Theres plenty to keep going with in the meantime.

( Edited on 26.01.2007 13:38 by beamrider2600 )

beamrider2600 said:
Am I the only one that really hopes that Metroid is not online? Metroid should always be a single player game, I felt that Hunters was too much of a change of direction for the series. Im therefore a bit sceptical about the Wii game, and from what Ive seen of it I feel that theyve moved too far away from the original ideas of the series and made it too much like a first person shooter. I hope Im proven wrong.With Mario Galaxy, if it needs to be delayed let it be delayed, better that they dont rush it. Theres plenty to keep going with in the meantime.( Edited on 26.01.2007 13:38 by beamrider2600 )

Metroid Prime is firstly and foremost a 1player adventure, i would rather an epic 1player mode than a shit one with online modes.

There is nothing stopping Nintendo from creating an epic MP adventure and quality online mode together, it is definitely within their remit.

In the not to distance future i hope Nintendo could make a co-op MP.

( Edited on 26.01.2007 15:11 by Hulkamania )

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

At least this way Mario can compete directly with Halo, that ought to be interesting. For Metroid, this is Retro, not the team that made Hunters, so of course the single player is going to be awesome.

Jacob4000 said:
Wasnt Mario Galaxy supposed to be a launch title? Nintendo can never finish a game on time...

I've got a feeling that if the Wii launch had somewhat flopped, Nintendo wouldn't delay the release of such a big same so easily Smilie

beamrider2600 said:
Am I the only one that really hopes that Metroid is not online? Metroid should always be a single player game, I felt that Hunters was too much of a change of direction for the series. Im therefore a bit sceptical about the Wii game, and from what Ive seen of it I feel that theyve moved too far away from the original ideas of the series and made it too much like a first person shooter. I hope Im proven wrong.With Mario Galaxy, if it needs to be delayed let it be delayed, better that they dont rush it. Theres plenty to keep going with in the meantime.( Edited on 26.01.2007 13:38 by beamrider2600 )

I partly agree about the Metroid thing, although I still think that an online Metroid could be done very well if they really tried to keep it 'Metroidy'

As for the 'plenty to play in the meantime'. Hmm...

Surely Metroid was always going to be online? It's an absolute no-brainer, especially after the success of Hunters.

Less posty, more gamey.

As long as they make the single player good...I expect the multiplayer to be crappy.

Excuse me but how the hell could metriod work as a multiplayer game? Hunters is not Metroid it was a crappy FPS with Samus slapped on the box, Metroid Prime 2's multiplayer was just a competition to see who could press the A button the fastest. The only way I could see Metroid having good multiplayer would be if it played something like Zelda 4 swords (but in 3D).

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

Online Metroid will be shit. Its meant to be a lonely adventure game.

( Edited on 26.01.2007 19:46 by Martin )

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