Nintendo News | Midway Bolsters DS Support

By Adam Riley 24.01.2007 3

Midway may not yet be bringing a version of its Mortal Kombat franchise to the Nintendo DS, but it does have a new idea in the offing. The company's Touchmaster machines, that normally take residence in pubs and bars across the US and provide people with a plentiful supply of short-term fun at a cheap price, are having a batch of their games bundled into one little package on the DS.

It is being reported that this Summer will see 'Touchmaster DS' hit the streets, containing twenty-three 'classics':

  • Gem Slide,
  • Crystal Balls,
  • Hot Hoops,
  • MahKi,
  • Mah Jonng Pairs,
  • Pond Kings,
  • Pairs,
  • Target 21,
  • 3 Peak Deluxe,
  • Pyramid 13,
  • Powercell,
  • Solitaire,
  • Artifact,
  • 5 Star Generals,
  • Double Take,
  • Go Wild,
  • Up Lift,
  • Times Square,
  • Word Search,
  • Triple Elevens,
  • Trivia,
  • Pick Up 6,
  • Wordz.
  • And how will they be modified for the portable system? Well, they will not, in terms of appearance anyway. The games will look the same as ever and use the DS touch-screen to mimic the touch panel of the original machines. However, the game will incorporate multiplayer fun via local wireless for hot-seat and one-system multiplayer, as well as the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection for high scores to be submitted and to join in special tournaments.

    Stick with Cubed3 for further updates...

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    Wi-Fi connection? Sweet! I can certainly see lots of drunken hoboes wanting this game. Smilie

    I rarely have little interest in old games with millions of mini games (or classics as they like to call them).

    Bores the tits of me.

    ( Edited on 24.01.2007 15:03 by Hulkamania )

    Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

    I actually like playing these games when I see them. Our pizza hut has one (or something like it), and I've seen them at a few other restaurants.

    TAG: That American Guy

    "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

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