Nintendo News | Zelda Producer Speaks Phantom Hourglass

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.01.2007 12

With the Hylian's latest adventure, Twilight Princess, dominating the gaming world in the last couple of months his smaller adventure, Phantom Hourglass for DS, has been slightly neglected.

The Interview, talks about the unique controls and style employed by the DS version, and also a suggestive release date..

Thanks to NeoGAF's Takuhi for the translation:

Q. By the way, how is the DS version going?

A. The DS version is coming along really nicely. It's a small team of less than ten people, and while the rest of us were frantically scrambling to finish Twilight Princess, they have been quietly progressing with the DS game. I just played it yesterday, and it's really good. It reflects the image of a team that was quietly burning with passion. Playing it by touch really pulls you in. By the way, the team that created the cut scenes for the Wii version was recently sent to work with them, and they're creating some interesting event scenes that aren't like Windwaker, but aren't like the Wii version either.

Controlling the boat with the stylus and writing notes on the maps is a really surprising experience, like, "I can't believe we're living in a world where this sort of thing is possible!" There are lots of things [in the DS game] that I wish I could have done in earlier Zelda games. So after Twilight Princess, I hope you will enjoy the DS game!

Q. Any idea when it will be released?

A. (Leaning back) Well! (Laughs) I can't formally announce anything, but I think it would be great if we could get it out early in 2007.

Be sure to stick around for future Zelda updates..

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Early 2007 would be superb (for importers anyway), I played the E3 version of this briefly and it felt kinda weird playing a 3D Zelda game on a handheld what with the camera angle and all, but it was very charming even for a short time.

Can't wait. Smilie

Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

Early 2007? I wouldn't count on it. We've heard next to nothing about it, even though it's Zelda. Q3 or Q4 at the earliest for mine.

Lol, I bet it was a typo - Early 2008 Smilie I reckon the same as Kangaroo - Q4 at best

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Well it's probably early 2007 for japan, it's lookng really nice from some of the screenshots, I hope it turns out as good as minish cap was on the GBA .

I think it'll be released worldwide by Nov2007. Hopefully us brits get it before NA like we did Minish Cap. Smilie

I can't wait for this game my DS will remain relevantly unused until Phantom Hourglass comes out.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

Should be good. Actually it's basically the only DS game I'm looking forward to at the moment.

This game should hopefully be a cracking lil adventure for DS, I'm dying to give it a whirl. Minish cap was tops, need to find the...rom... *cough*

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

fenno2001 said:
Should be good. Actually its basically the only DS game Im looking forward to at the moment.

But what about Shrek 3? I've heard thats going to be AMAZING Smilie

fenno2001 said:
Should be good. Actually its basically the only DS game Im looking forward to at the moment.

You not looking forward to Hotel Dusk: Room 215 Smilie !

{ Monkey Wii. ~ Nirbis Hater ~ Nintendo Fanboy }

It's a small team of less than ten people,

Thats even smaller!!!

Last time i heard i'm pretty sure it was EXACTLY ten people!

Those less than 10 people working on zelda must be so proud when they see such a huge game that each of them contributed more than 10% towards.

TWilight princess

Never noticed that Smilie

( Edited on 22.01.2007 17:46 by ZeroSimon )

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

I am actually in the mood for some Wind Waker esque Zelda.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

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