Nintendo DS News | Warlords Announced, Disciples II Re-Confirmed

By Adam Riley 11.01.2007 3

Strategy fans are in for a special treat today as Warlords has been confirmed for the Nintendo DS and the long-thought-cancelled Disciples II is reconfirmed.

Software Publisher Strategy First Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Silverstar Holdings, Ltd., and Glyphic Entertainment announce the signing of Warlords Nintendo DS. This classic turn-base strategy title truly compliments the Disciples II DS that is currently under development.

Richard Therrien, Strategy First's Vice President of Development, started a batch of quotes by saying:

"It is with great pleasure that we are teaming up with Glyphic Entertainment to bring famed Warlords to the DS platform. This great classic is a perfect fit for the unique Nintendo DS system, a great combination to give fantasy strategic goodness right in the hands of the player, all this under the competent care of Glyphic Entertainment."

Steve Fawkner, founder of Infinite Interactive and creator of the Warlords universe, followed these comments with:

"The Warlords turn-based strategy series is a natural fit for the intuitive stylus-based interface of the Nintendo DS. We are very excited to be working with Glyphic Entertainment and Strategy First as they bring the series to an entirely new generation of gamers who will undoubtedly grow to love Warlords equally as much as the millions of others who have over the past 16 years."

And G.R. Moore, founder of Glyphic Entertainment added,

"Glyphic Entertainment will be bringing one of the world's best-selling strategy franchises to the Nintendo DS platform, providing a compelling gaming experience to a rapidly growing gaming audience. The Warlords series has already captivated millions of turn-based strategy game players on both desktop and Pocket PC platforms, and we are very eager to expand the franchise to the Nintendo DS."

Warlords DS is an eight player turn-based game of conquest and empire. Different worlds provide a stage for the player to excel in combat. In the quest for final victory, gamers can assemble vast armies, conquer and loot mighty cities, undertake perilous quests, make and break alliances, and wield magical artifacts of great power. Although economics, diplomacy, and exploration weigh heavily in the outcome of each game, the primary emphasis is placed on combat.

Some of the game's highlights are as follows:

  • Random worlds for infinite game replay value;

  • Hidden maps for extra tension and danger;

  • 20 built-in scenarios to play again and again;

  • Up to 8 players with hot-seat and Nintendo Wi-Fi support;

  • 28 different army types to produce for your mighty hordes;

  • 4 terrains to choose from; grasslands, desert, wastelands and frozen tundra;

  • Formidable AI system to challenge even the most experienced gamers;

  • Exceptional graphics and sound provide deep immersion into the game world;

  • Integrated tutorial and military advisor provide an easy learning curve to novice gamers;

  • Historical tracking of all statistical information ranging from military strength to diplomatic state;

  • Based on the award winning Warlords franchise.
  • Disciples II, on the other hands,is the much anticipated d

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    I cant recall a Deciples I ever appearing on the DS.

    -Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

    I'm not much of a stragety game guy, but this sounds pretty thight. I'd get this game... if I have money by the time it games out.

    Proud United State-ian

    He's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged.

    Wifi support. I'm sold. Smilie

    (Buy AoE DS if you like Strategy, it is amazing...not online though Smilie)

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