Nintendo Rumour | Animal Crossing Wii?

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.01.2007 6

Rumour: According to the folk over at NeoGAF, Nintendo Inside and Kyoto Shinbun feature a message after the credits: "Let's meet in Wii", offering a very strong and expected possibility for the series to be brought to Nintendo's Wii after the success of the original outings.

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it would be a crime if it wasn;t brought to wii, lets hope it's like the sims wii though in art style, and scope. and uses miis!, and towns folk (human ones) can visit (eg you're other miis)

I thought it was already confirmed.

IANC said:
Dude yuor totally awesome. And i won't be killing you anytime soon.


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I swear this was already confirmed by Miyamoto or Nintendo multiple times, a few years ago, Animal Crossing 2 was "confirmed for the Revolution launch", that was Nintendo's reason for not bringing GC AC to UK I think...

In any case, Animal Crossing is ALWAYS Nintendo's example for explaining WiiConnect24... They're always talking about the possibilities for it. If you ask me, it's more than inevitable. Even if it hasn't been officially, it's pretty much confirmed already...[/Wii]

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Aye, too true, but good to see even more "confirmation" of its existance. I do hope they implement use of Miis in the game, being able to visit other towns folk - I'd certainly get it as the Mii parade features etc at the moment are little, err, lacking..

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Slydevil said:
I thought it was already confirmed.

It was Smilie

Ah well, nothing like a bit of unnecessary speculation, eh?

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