Nintendo Rumour | Wii Sports 2 in Development? (Update)

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.12.2006 17

With the incredible success of the innovative Wii exclusive software Wii sports, rumours have begun to surface of a possible sequel in development, cram packed full of new and revised features.

According to reputable Nintendo site NGC France, reports have surfaced from the official Nintendo of Japan forums with talk of the sequel.

  • Sports ranging from tennis, hockey, volleyball, swimming and horse riding.
  • Online support with players able to go up against other Wii Sports fans from around the world.

    Update: Nintendo comments on the recent rumour.

    EuroGamer have received a response from Nintendo Europe on the rumour:

    "We're really pleased with the reaction to Wii Sports - from people completely new to gaming to the hardcore fans everyone has taken to it straight away," a Nintendo UK spokesperson commented.

    "It might just be the most popular game this Christmas in homes across the UK."

    Stay tuned for updates, hopefully there is some truth in this interesting rumour..

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    I think it'll be more like an expansion pack, not sure how it'd work, but It'd be great to play the games from the first Wii Sports online.

    Wasn't it mentioned somewhere already that up to 30 Sports games would be released eventually? Or is my memory just really fuzzy...

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Wow, sounds ace.

    Online Horse Riding! Yee-Haw! Smilie

    Cubed3 Staff [ Retro Editor :: Previews Editor ]

    If this is true, my wife is going to scream. Wii Sports is by far her favorite game ever! I just may never get to finish Zelda at this rate Smilie

    Don't hate, congratulate!

    Wouldn't surprise me one little bit, they probably had more sports in development before the first was even finished. I'd be annoyed if just the new lot was online, though.

    SuperLink said:
    I think itll be more like an expansion pack, not sure how itd work, but Itd be great to play the games from the first Wii Sports online.Wasnt it mentioned somewhere already that up to 30 Sports games would be released eventually? Or is my memory just really fuzzy...

    The 30 game thing does sound familiar.

    Wii Sports is fucking brilliant so i am all up for it, but wasn't Wii Motor Sports and Wii Music complication already confirmed maybe it is one of them.

    I hope if there is an online mode we get upgrades of all the current Sports games.

    ( Edited on 21.12.2006 00:04 by Mr.Ashcroft )

    Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

    I'm waiting on Wii Extreme Sports with planes, snowboarding etc.

    If they did include online with Wii Sports 2, then I suppose it would justify selling it as a budget title.

    360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
    PSN: shiptoncraig
    Steam: Guess what?

    I think playing the old Wii-sports online is not going to work unless they release it again with Online-support.

    I am not turned off by this thought. It would be great to play tennis against others online. Nintendo can just release a big sports package with the old 5 in it to play against each other via dsl. That would be nice.

    So I certainly wouldn't be thrilled to have another Sports game - but with more different sports, please (I'm still to dumb to understand Baseball, though...).

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    Baseball is useless you just have to whack the ball.
    But i would buy a wii sports2
    I just wish it came free with my wii due next year when the price comes down

    My Life & blog: Random Thoughts, Photos, stuff, videos and links

    With the incredible success of the innovative Wii exclusive software Wii sports

    I mean the tie in rate for console : wii sports is like 1:1 in most countries!!!!Smilie

    Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

    Update: Nintendo comments on the recent rumour.

    EuroGamer have received a response from Nintendo Europe on the rumour:

    "We're really pleased with the reaction to Wii Sports - from people completely new to gaming to the hardcore fans everyone has taken to it straight away," a Nintendo UK spokesperson commented.

    "It might just be the most popular game this Christmas in homes across the UK."

    Stay tuned for updates, hopefully there is some truth in this interesting rumour..

    So they didn't really say anything about Wii Sports 2.

    Where's Wii Music? And Wii Motorsports?

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.
    Guest 22.12.2006#11

    Grumbler said:
    Update: Nintendo comments on the recent rumour.EuroGamer have received a response from Nintendo Europe on the rumour:Were really pleased with the reaction to Wii Sports - from people completely new to gaming to the hardcore fans everyone has taken to it straight away, a Nintendo UK spokesperson commented.It might just be the most popular game this Christmas in homes across the UK.Stay tuned for updates, hopefully there is some truth in this interesting rumour..
    So they didnt really say anything about Wii Sports 2.

    Not surprising though, were you really expecting them to say anything useful about a rumour other than the usual "we appeal to core and new gamers"?
    Also the "might just be the most popular...", yes, and Barbie's horse adventure might just be the most captivating and thrilling game ever created.

    Yeah, I was also wondering what happened to Wii Music & Wii Airplane... Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    Not surprising though, were you really expecting them to say anything useful about a rumour other than the usual "we appeal to core and new gamers"?

    I was hinting at why the hell did Raz bother updating this?

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    yay wii sports... tho is it just me, or would the game lose a bit of it's charm if it was played against players online? I mean, you can't see them, can't chat with them or anything... You won't have as fun as you would with a player sitting next to you, or a player you could communicate with in some way.

    Elrinth said:
    yay wii sports... tho is it just me, or would the game lose a bit of its charm if it was played against players online? I mean, you cant see them, cant chat with them or anything... You wont have as fun as you would with a player sitting next to you, or a player you could communicate with in some way.

    V.good point mate when you play Wii Sports by yourself it just ain't the same but it is always good to have the option

    ( Edited on 22.12.2006 23:57 by Mr.Ashcroft )

    Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

    Elrinth said:
    I mean, you cant see them, cant chat with them or anything... You wont have as fun as you would with a player sitting next to you, or a player you could communicate with in some way.

    Who says we won't be able to chat with them with a sexy Wii Bluetooth headset?? Or using the DS mic and a DS Camera wirelessly connected to Wii?? Ding-dang-do.

    Less posty, more gamey.

    I want that damn aeroplane game! And where the hell is BADMINTION!?!?! It's the only sport worth playing...

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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