Quick News - Following the worldwide success of Animal Crossing: Wild World, the highly anticipated anime movie version hits Japan on 16th December and the advertising campaign has now begun. Check out the three adverts below:
By Adam Riley 27.11.2006 6
Quick News - Following the worldwide success of Animal Crossing: Wild World, the highly anticipated anime movie version hits Japan on 16th December and the advertising campaign has now begun. Check out the three adverts below:
wow it looks awsome! is this just an Japanese exclusive!?!?!
Wooow, nice graphics! *your parents will help you hook it up
Just think what this might do to potential DSlite and Animal Crossing Wild World sales, like they need a boost
This looks awesome!
It's got all the characters and the music and everything!
Looks like a really relaxing film to calm you down after... I dunno, setting fire to your neighbors monkey who then proceeded to run into your house and take out his anger on your newly bought Nintendo Wii causing you to have an emotional breakdown.
Good stuff.
I always wondered how they would make Animal Crossing into a movie.
Looks like they cinemised it incredibly well. Does anyone have any idea of the plot though ?
I can see them releasing it in the EU and USA, with new exclusive items to download when you buy a ticket etc.
That would work really well
I'm going to dig out Animal Crossing. K.K. Slider pwnz all.
( Edited on 27.11.2006 15:44 by JonnieRy )