
By Mike Mason 14.11.2006 16

Mike Mason & Jorge Ba-oh, Words by Mike Mason

As we creep closer and closer to the release date, you're going to be wanting to know what games you'll be buying along with the system (if you don't already, that is). To help you, we've come up with the definitive launch title list for each major territory

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I am very sure Elebits from Konami will be a launch title in the US.

pretty pretty pretty good.

In the Y/N List, you've put Excite Truck as a Launch in the UK ... it isn't Smilie.

Apart from that, it looks good. I'm getting Zelda, Rayman, Red Steel or Far Cry and Wii Play at launch. I can't wait for Dragon Ball Z 2 for the Wii. Should be amazing Smilie

( Edited on 14.11.2006 14:23 by JonnieRy )

Creating New Sig...Eventually

Organic said:
I am very sure Elebits from Konami will be a launch title in the US.

It has been delayed for 2 to 3 weeks it was confirmed last week.

JonnieRy said:
In the Y/N List, youve put Excite Truck as a Launch ... it isnt Smilie.Apart from that, it looks good. Im getting Zelda, Rayman, Red Steel or Far Cry and Wii Play at launch. I cant wait for Dragon Ball Z 2 for the Wii. Should be amazing Smilie

Jesus leave the guy alone he did after all go to the bother of actually typing this all out, Cheers Mike. Smilie

As for the UK launch it is very solid line u pbut the US launch is fantastic.

The Key titles for 2007 i would get them all and Smash bros isn't even included in that.

Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

How could you put Excite Trcuk as a Yes? You got me all excited ;_; Bastards... Smilie

I can't see why Metal Slug isn't coming at launch... Surely it can't have much development needed?

( Edited on 14.11.2006 16:39 by Megadanxzero )

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Not my fault on the subject of Excite Truck - it's not coming for launch anywhere aside USA. It's corrected now. Can't get everything right unfortunately!

Elebits is delayed.

Metal Slug Anthology is an annoying one, like Excite Truck and Trauma Centre. They're finished, they're just not giving them to Europe for a couple of months. Sigh...

Ta for comments!

Very swish feature, if only the same could be said for the UK launch line-up.

Literally all the games I intended to get on launch, when I intended to get a Wii on launch, aren't out until next year...

(oh and you've got Barnyard as not UK launch on the list but said it is below)

It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

From that list I want:
Red Steel
Monkey Ball
Wii play (its

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

Argh! Well, there's around 3 games from the release I want...and I can only afford one...maybe two...hmm...
Then there's BW2 coming out...which I'll deffinately be buying (as long as there's no muck-up closer to release) and Metroid Prime 3...
I'm so broke. =/

Ah well! 'tis all for a good cause. Kinda.

Wii play is

I think it's a bit more than that...

People are getting confused because everyone's saying that it's basically a wii remote with a game for

Woah, you guys forgot the Metal Gear Solid game thats being made for the Nintendo Wii, check out this short clip:

This video really shows the graphical limits of the Nintendo Wii.

Yeah, I don't see Tenkaichi 2 in the launch list... What's happening?????

Please add my Wii-code and tell me yours.

Woah! Someone worked OVERTIME!!!!

Enoch Powell was right, and you know it.

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