Following Cubed3's exclusive chat with Shin'en about the highly anticipated Nintendo DS space shooter, Nanostray 2, we have the first ever screens of the game for you to see. Check them all out below!
Stick around for further updates...
By Adam Riley 08.11.2006 20
Following Cubed3's exclusive chat with Shin'en about the highly anticipated Nintendo DS space shooter, Nanostray 2, we have the first ever screens of the game for you to see. Check them all out below!
Stick around for further updates...
The art style seems to have changed a fair bit...I'm sure I'd be able to comment more on moving footage, but it looks nice! (If not a bit blocky)
Lets hope Shin'en doesn't do a Bungie and give us drab copy paste levels, you know, from that game they, or something
nice! Nanostray sequel + more nice 2d backdrops = nice!
Maquis, the game is fully 3D, it only follows a set path. Same with the first Nanostray
Oh my god that looks amazing...
Looks pretty nice!
Vertical and horizontal!
reminds me of axelay (SNES)
Having another look, the models looks really detailed and the textures are awesome. Far better than MPH!
Very nice, i'll be looking forward to this game.
oh youre right Faust. sorry, my last memory of Nanostray was ogling the unlockables a few months ago.. 2-d artwork of course. plus i play a lot of shooter games so i get the technicalities crossed sometimes. *phew*. but never let it be said i can't acknowledge when i'm wrong.
Maquis said:
oh youre right Faust. sorry, my last memory of Nanostray was ogling the unlockables a few months ago.. 2-d artwork of course. plus i play a lot of shooter games so i get the technicalities crossed sometimes. *phew*. but never let it be said i cant acknowledge when im wrong.
You can't admit when you're wrong can you!
This game really looks good, even better than the first, and tbh, I thought the first looked miles ahead of MPH already, much more details(although it is on rails, and MPH isn't(duh)).
wow looks the same as nanostray1 except they rotated the view so u are steering from left to right.. nice!
Hey, there's some side scrolling levels. Cool
I never got Nanostray 1 (though I always intended to) so I think now I'll wait for number looks really good. =D
Is it just me or does it look worse?
Wait for videos...when they get it more finished and we don't have stills it may look better, these are the 'first ever' screens.
Mmmm... Decent shmup on the DS... *drools*
tiamat1990 said:
Is it just me or does it look worse?
It's just you
These screens look very good already, and Nanostray1 was a graphically very impressive game, so I think that now that they know the hardware better this will look better when finished. I'm impressed already though
Wow...that looks, lame. I'm glad I don't own a DS.