Nintendo DS News | Konami Classics Announced

By James Temperton 22.10.2006 9

IGN recently revealed Konami's foray into the world of classic compilations and Cubed3 now has the first screens of the game(s) in action. Be sure to check them out in the media folder below!

Original Story: IGN have accidentaly announced a new game for the Nintendo DS, even though Konami haven't even officialy confirmed it yet. Konami Classics Series Arcade Hits will ship next year for the console and include such titles as: Circus Charlie, Contra, Gradius, Roc'N Rope, Rush'N Attack, Time Pilot, Track & Field, and Yie-Ar Kung Fu, with many more yet to be announced. More details soon hopefully!

Box art for Konami Classics Series: Arcade Hits








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European release date TBA   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date TBA   

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I loved gradius ^.^.
I hope they add parodius (is that even from konami? anyway, it was so fun! ^.^

( Edited on 22.10.2006 18:02 by Merilya )

using NesDS emulator! coolE! Smilie

Yie-Ar Kung Fu? lol. I used to love that game. In a way it's hard to believe why now. Its timing was ridiculously hard when I played it again the other day.

Gradius and Contra are classic.

And i know approximately none of those gamesSmilie

Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

muck. where's the new DS stuff, Konami?

Why it's right here here and hereSmilie

Touching would be goodSmilie

( Edited on 22.10.2006 21:00 by Angus )

Smilie awsome i love TRACK & FIELD it brinks back some memories!!

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562


Oh wait I can just download it... Fuck that >_>

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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