Nintendo DS News | Tales of the Tempest Disappoints

By Adam Riley 18.10.2006 26

The latest batch of reviews are now available from Japan, courtesy of Famitsu magazine and sadly it looks like the delay for Tales of the Tempest on the Nintendo DS was not a favourable one. Below are all the reviews for the latest issues:

  • Tales of the Tempest (NDS, Bandai Namco): 7 / 7 / 7 / 7 - (28/40)
  • Untold Legends: The Warrior's Code (NDS, Ubisoft): 6 / 7 / 7 / 7 - (27/40)
  • Pinky Street: Kira Kira * Music Hour (NDS, Dimple): 8 / 8 / 6 / 7 - (29/40)
  • Puzzle Series: Jigsaw Puzzle Oden-Kun (NDS, Hudson): 6 / 5 / 6 / 6 - (23/40)
  • Negima!?: Chou Mahora Taisen Kattoiin, Keiyaku Shikkou Dechai masuu (NDS, Marvelous): 6 / 4 / 5 / 5 - (20/40)
  • According to the review (thanks to Jonnyram for the translation), these are some of the main talking points:

  • The encounter rate is low, meaning there is no real stress whilst on the move;
  • Whilst the new battle system is good, the AI of allies is poor;
  • Overall, the in-game volume is low;
  • The online aspect is purely for the swapping of items and other things;
  • The map is unnecessarily large considering how fast you move;
  • 2D should have been used, rather than chunky polygons;
  • The new three-line battle system makes it all feel more action-oriented.
  • However, looking at those points, hardly any of them really seem too negative. Certainly a lower rate of random battles seems like a blessing! And for those that have already seen video clips of the game, you can see it looks very good indeed. Okay, perhaps a 2D RPG might have worked better, but it is still impressive.

    All that remains to be seen now, though, is whether this actually effects sales and the future release of the game in the West.

    Stick with Cubed3 for further updates...

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    Mr.Ashcroft said:
    To be fair all 7s as Grumbler said is a well above average score but i think many people were expecting something like Children of Mana score 10, 8, 10, 8.I still think Namco are losing alot of credibility with there constant supply of shit games.

    I have children of mana and i don't think it deserved those maerio kart only got one 10.

    And I guess 7777 is what metroid got, and i loved that game...and so did loads of non japanese reviewers.

    Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

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