Nintendo News | Mario Kart Returns to the Arcade

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.10.2006 19

Mario, Pacman and chums are returning to the arcade for the second take at the fairly sucessful Mario Kart Arcade GP with all new items, levels and a few new faces.

  • All new karters Waluigi and Tamagotchi.
  • Fresh items to use against your friends and foes (see scan).
  • New camera overlays..

    Hopefully with the sequel in development it'll make a far bigger impact than the first. Thanks to neo2046 from NeoGAF for the update.

    Stick with C3 for future details!

  • Box art for Mario Kart Arcade GP 2








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    European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date TBA   

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    For fuck sake, I have to make do with the original sega rally down my local arcade.

    f | j | D said:
    For fuck sake, I have to make do with the original sega rally down my local arcade.

    "Down your local arcade"?

    I'd have to go fifteen miles to play OutRun2 in an arcade thats only open every Saturday.

    f | j | D said:
    For fuck sake, I have to make do with the original sega rally down my local arcade.

    Lol, d'oh.

    The one we usually go to is great, no Mario Kart though (but they do have it in a Hollywood Bowl we go to sometimes). Bit overrated, but pretty fun! Probably more so with four players, I've only tried it against someone else or the computer.

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    I would LOVE if a game like this came to our country more often! I sure hope this one does.... wait, the original DID come to UK, but was only in like... 2 arcades in the whole of UK Smilie

    Like F-Zero AX... Smilie

    So why do the only Arcade games I badly wanna play are the ones that are so rare!?

    SEGASonic Arcade
    Mario Kart GP Arcade
    F-Zero AX


    Aww come on! Smilie Please come to my local Arcade! (won't happen) PLEEEEEEEEAZZ!!!! Smilie

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    awww fuck... we will never get this game in UK but it looks amazing!!!

    i usually go to arcade in Trafalgar Square!!!

    I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

    i usually go to arcade in Trafalgar Square!!!

    You mean Trocadero? Pretty cool place Smilie

    So weird how my local bowling has Mario Kart, bit busted up though. Not sure how arcades work, but it maybe your arcade being too tight to rent/buy the unit Smilie

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    I wish I could find somewhere to play this, or even the original one which I've never seen anywhere before. Smilie

    Only arcade game I ever play is Time Crisis 2 which give an indication as to the state of my local 'arcade.'

    My local 20minutes drive arcade has mario kart Gp.

    And whats with all those items. A pencil?

    Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

    f | j | D said:
    For fuck sake, I have to make do with the original sega rally down my local arcade.

    Smilie Fuck all round here. But Sega Rally FTW! Must be ace with a proper steering wheel and the stench of fags and chewing gum.

    It's going to be shit and you jolly well know it.

    God damn it! Release it here!!!

    Apparently the Mario Kart arcade is shit, apparently you can't even break. Smilie And that you start off with 3 random items and that is it, no boxes.

    All arcades have been taken away from the one where I used to go and changed to coin machines. At least they have made billards there to stay.
    I used to feed House Of The Dead 2 with awful lot of coins. I still hear 'Reload' and 'Gee.. bloodstains' in my dreams.
    But now: no arcade I know of. Shame. Because I like to play this one!

    ( Edited on 18.10.2006 08:24 by Laurelin )

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    Having played the original a few times, Im looking forward to teh sequel, but really doubt my local arcade would get the sequel in as they already have the original.

    Personally, I think that Nintendo/Namco are wasting their time on this as the arcade scene is pretty much dead except in Japan. But, meh I wont argue with them bringing this out over here.

    HAHA i have one at my local bowiling alley

    its really good, the wheel has force feed back which reacts when you get hit by weapons

    I WNAT TO PLAY THAT SO BADLY. I never played the first either, aww.

    Well angus i can say quite confidently that htis bad boy wouldn't see the light of day anywhere in Ireland

    Mike Gee of iZINE said, "...The Verve, as he [Richard Ashcroft] promised, had become the greatest band in the world. Most of the critics agreed with him. Most paid due homage. The Verve were no longer the question mark or the clich�. They were the statement and the definition."

    The only time I ever saw Mario Kart and F-Zero in the arcades was in Vegas Smilie

    It's so cool how for F-Zero you could load your memory card in there! But how was I supposed to know to bring my memory card to Las Vegas Smilie

    Yeah... the Mario Kart was a little weird in regards to how it plays, but just a little. It was still very fun! The one I played was broken, too, though :/
    If only I could visit Japan one of these days Smilie

    Diamond : JEPIE/3351 0528 8440

    /portfolio//Wobba Boba!/
    (Let's get a pokemon tournament started!)

    It's a good game, I came across it on my holiday in L.A... Good to see that they're doing a sequel =]

    When the fuck did the FIRST one come out!? I've been waiting for it for YEARS and it's ALREADY OUT!?!?!? >,<

    jb said:
    All new karters Waluigi and Tamagotchi.
    *kills self*

    Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

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